
1017 Results for "Q 텍사스홀덤9 cddc7_com ☏프로모션코드 B77☏영덕 1xbet⅕북중미골드컵ହ아시아축구Ệ빅카지노2ƛ텍사스홀덤9리뷰 indianocean/"

  • Badgelife HackChat Transcript Pt.2

  • charliexpick and place definitely helps, we're looking to upgrade our mini one and then get a better over, the chinese ones are getting super cheap nowThe Toymakers (tymkrs)That'd be pretty cool @truecharliex @Todd cool i'll pm you addyHyr0n shoot its...
  • Hardware Games Hack Chat Transcript

  • Shayna Welcome @phoenix perry :)  Boian Mitov Hello @phoenix perry :-)  phoenix perry I successfully found wifi after showing botparty at Indiecade in LA, which everyone should go see if they are in town  phoenix perry I'm showing...
  • Project Log 45: Designing stuff.

  • 18/04/2023, 18:26, Tuesday. ___________________________________________________________________________PS: I actually was going to make a 3D model of the stuff, I tried a couple of times and I don't feel like I'm actually putting any kind...
  • Project Log 57: DIY Hydrogen Fuel Cell³.

  • Thursday, 29/06/2023, 10:09 I left this project log written in a text file and I forgot what I was supposed to originally write on it, but I think it is worth posting. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
  • Being Cyborg Hack Chat Transcript

  • Jordan Bunker : Hey everyone! Today our chat will be hosted by @Lindy! Jordan Bunker : @Lindy, do you mind giving folks a quick introduction? Lindy : I am a technologist, educator and cyborg enthusiast. I'm a "whimsical...
  • Building the Tingle

  • 1: Unboxing and Dissembling the N68 Fitness Tracker This is the fitness tracker used as a foundation for current Tingle prototypes. It can be had for $30-40 from China ( Link1 , Link2 , Link3 , Link4 ) or $63 on Amazon Prime if you are in a hurry. The...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, it's high noon here, so I want to welcome everyone to the Hack Chat! I'm Dan Maloney, I'll be moderating today for Majenta Strongheart, who'll be telling us all about the 2020 Hackaday Prize. Thanks for joining us today, Majenta! Majenta Strongheart12:00...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Brandon12:38 PMJust like a trained safety personnel can look out for. ump12:39 PMto tag on to Dan's question, are there use cases being discussed/debated that are non-human task/automation centered? I don't have examples or inkling what other cases can...