
36512 Results for "S 토토추천업체 CDDC7.COM ♪보너스코드 B77♪토토피지컬ྪ피망포커쿠폰☸카지노직업⋔실시간tv중계ڢ토토추천업체사랑 dissimilarity/"

  • First Battery Com Capture

  • Based on my experience with the DJI RoboMaster S1's battery, I had assumed the FPV drone also communicated with the battery over I2C. I was wrong about this. The data transfer looks like CAN bus. My logic analyzer doesn't read CAN packets so I'll...
  • Accessorize!

  • I've really enjoyed having VoiceBox on my desk. I've had RaspberryPis configured for specific tasks, like OctoPrint or OSMC, running for years, but this is the most use I've ever got out of a Pi as a development platform. One drawback of the enclosure...
  • Rocking with the RockBlock (the Iridium modem)

  • At the heart of our prototype MyComm is a RockBlock which handles the Iridium communication. The RockBlock is made by Rock Seven, an Iridium value added reseller. Their aim is to make satellite communications accessible to everybody in a simple and easy...
  • Companion App

  • Without the appropriate desktop software, Keybon is just a programmable keyboard. The goal was to add the ability to configure the device from windows and change keyboard layouts on the go. I decided to create a windows forms application in C#. The...
  • We are well begun

  • This first project log entry comes after I've started the project, so I'll start by outlining where the project is at the moment and what the main challenges are. I've removed all the components from inside the computer except for the power supply, the...
  • MIDI I/O - Part 1 (Electronics)

  • (Original post date: 20/01/16)MIDI is an essential part of any serious piece of electronic music equipment. In a nutshell, MIDI is "a technical standard that describes a protocol, digital interface and connectors and allows a wide variety of electronic...
  • Sitrep

  • At this moment we have assembled capsule and fitted the IR camera inside of it. The capsule is made from extruded styrofoam panel. Several screws and tape holds styrofoam together. Here you can see the capsule and rope mounts. We teared down a laptop...
  • Source code is now on Github

  • I have uploaded my local repository to Github. The source code for Mini Pro and Micro Pro firmware as well as Python kRPC interface is available there: time I wrote:The tests revealed some flaws in the software...
  • OLED screen connected and tested

  • Here is how OLED screen looks like when actually displaying somethingI use u8glib to control this SSD-1306 i2C 128x64 OLED display, but it's very flash-consuming. Adafruit library for this display is even worse. I have almost 3000 bytes left and I hope...
  • Ufff... 1.1.0 is there

  • After few painful days we've made it. Unfortunately we found some nasty problems with Windows 10 installer, but all is fixed.This is a bugfix-feature relase:Fixed Windows 10 installer and missing dependenciesAdded built-in Arduino Uno TWI firmware with...
  • Serial levels converter test

  • Ok, so test with 5volt arduino succeeded. I was able to connect it to Raspberri Pi Serial and receive output. This is a temperature station powered by 4 AAA batteries which is sending info to the base station via nRF24L01 and it logs some debug output...
  • Firmware development update

  • It took me some time to adjust it but now it works: the C code embedded on the nRF52832 is working fine: every 1/64 second, a pulse is generated on the IR LED. The ADC measures the voltage at the IR receiver, which is slightly modified by the proportion...
  • Starting near the Finish line...

  • Starting from here and driving in reverse -    We are almost done with Volt, and will be creating a new larger robot. It basically will be Volt, Mark 6, but may have another name. We would like to re-wire Volt, and swap out a few servos So...
  • Murphy’s Law

  • People that make things make mistakes from time to time.  It’s inevitable, I think, at least for the first guy that does it.  I tend to greet failure as an old friend, and I think our community feels the same.  I made a mistake during...
  • 1st board assembled

  • the title says everything.I had some difficulties hitting the right combination of resistors for the opamp. I guess Vref in the opamp circuit should have come from a voltage reference rather a simple voltage divider, and also I should have paid more...