
257 Results for "bldc"

  • Here we go again.

  • While I'm waiting for my Jetson to show up, I'm starting with the other stuff.I've been doing a lot of research into accurate open-loop positioning of BLDC motors.  If there ever was a perfect application for this, part rotation is it.  Basically...
  • A new timeline

  • All involved with this project have been unable to dedicate the time required to move this forward. As such, we have adjusted our expectations to complete this... sometime. A mass of different BLDC and micro stepper motors were ordered on the slow boat...
  • Connection scheme

  • BLDC drivers are connected to connector board using modified IDC cables. More can be found in this folder: under building instructions RX1 = PIN0TX1 = PIN1RX2 = PIN7TX2= PIN8RX3= PIN15TX3 = PIN14RX4=...
  • The Payload

  • Let's take a quick look at the payload the remote is sending all the time. In fact I saw multiple payloads and I can't yet figure out what they all are for. Everything in green is what the remote sends to the motor controller. There are two types...
  • Current sense method used

  • Good read about this topic and where i pulled most of the data: this project, I used the simplest current sensing method and that...
  • 04-07

  • Testing the RLS AksIM-2 setupDJ spin that enconder.. #bldc #quadruped #robotics #robot #RLS #Cubemars #KittActuator #Actuator #tmotor #design
  • [T] Looking ahead: USB Type-C system

  • Right now I'm just looking further ahead at the Tetent implementation to see if there's anything else that would be required to connect to a Tetrinsic that can't go though I2C.Essentially, the part that'll likely be called Tetent PCB is a PCB that has 2...
  • 1. Motor selection and control

  • The heart of a strobe tuner is the strobe disk, driven by a small electric motor. It has to spin pretty fast (thousands of RPM), but the only mechanical load is inertia and air drag. The angular speed has to be very accurate and stable. These requirements...
  • PCB motors suited for laser scanning

  • Abstract:   PCB motors seems suited for laser scanning;   - speeds seem sufficient   - cross scan error is not affected by pcb coils Angular stability needs to be improved but this is seen a relatively trivial issue. Video: Measurement...
  • Log V: The Pandemic Strikes Back

  • In a week things move fast! Since my last log the university has shut-down almost entirely (extending and then moving forward the Easter holidays) and the chances of actually manufacturing my design look increasingly slim ... Not least because I'm already...