
1278 Results for "smart car"

  • Wait for it...

  • Well, I got some new-shineys! So, this project has wound-up on hold... Briefly: In my life"style" power is a huge concern, as is space. Thus I've been fighting (for years, really) to figure out a decent and reliable solution to the problem of having...
  • Breadboarding and Code

  • I prototyped the proposed schematic on a breadboad for testing. This way I was able to test the code as I wrote it. The code is below with a few notes following explaining some parts of the code. It is fully commented so that when in a few months if...
  • [E3][R] 5G Celluar Connectivity

  • Due to the fact that there hasn't been a device productive enough to use outside, I've never looked into celluar data plans. Now that I'm thinking about Leti, I thought I'd look into the inital and running costs of 4G and 5G connectivity. Initial...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Colin McCrory12:49 PMI'm not looping at the moment because the only pump I can get right now is the 640G I've just been using it as a CGM. I think I'll give dexcom a try c448108012:50 PM@Colin McCrory I'm gonna try doing an open loop with 640G Dana...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Tom Redman12:51 PM@Dan Fruzzetti Any experience? :) samy kamkar12:52 PMTom Redman (I can't @ you for some reason): Tom Redman12:52 PM👀 Thanks! Tom Redman12:52 PMIt seems almost like...
  • Life Predicts Its Own Existence

  • One of the primary goals I have for this project is to cut paths for myself and others into the deep forest of abstract insights that researchers are accumulating in the science and mathematics of life. Art is able to do that because it can be slippery,...
  • TI-86 Logic Analysis

  • whelp... I managed to speed up the sampling rate dramatically... My signal is /supposed/ to toggle (or not) at 8us intervals... My original sampling code took 39T-States per sample, or at 6MHz 6.5us/sample... IF I understand the z80 right... The new...