
27 Results for "Dynamixel"

  • Dynamixel Servo

  • Today the Dynamixel Pro servo arrived - thanks Robotis!I built ROS Melodic from source (there was no distribution for Raspbian on my PI4) but got stuck configuring it as a Wi-Fi access point so that I can connect to ROS master node running there. I'm...
  • First leg prototype

  • 2019-03-08 Made a first leg prototype with the initial three servos I had. Starting with one leg gave me a chance to both test the tolerance and clearances on my 3d printed parts and experiment with the Dynamixel SDK early, before committing to buying...
  • Experiment #1

  • Here is the first experiment with a robot leg and solving inverse kinematic problem algorithm. Software was written in C++ running ROS Kinetic. A marker was attached to the end of the leg in order to check correctness of the algorithm. Also reference...
  • Adding a Manipulator

  • The WIld Thumper robot now has a 4 degrees of freedom (DOF) Open Manipulator with a RealSense D435 depth camera attached: The manipulator can be extended to 6 or more DOF if necessary. Communication with the Dynamixel servos is done with the AVR...
  • New Tool Interface

  • We have developed a new tool interface for use with Dexter. It provides more interactivity with a pair of Dynamixel XL-320 servos as a 6th and 7th axis. The 6th axis acts as a wrist and the 7th is available to power a gripper or other end effector/tool....
  • Control of Many Servos

  • While we were implementing the 6th and 7th axis onto Dexter, we realized that our FPGA servo control system is so fast, it should be able to operate over 200 servo motors at reasonable update speeds. We're not sure there is any application that could...
  • Friday

  • Work is still in progress for all the covers.  Spending much time to adjusting and fitting everything together. But slowly cooming together.Friday Picture: Wireframe of k3lso. Design is moving along nicely!Planned for two Dynamixel mx106 in head...
  • Actuator Testing

  • Testing using the Brushless motor, Cycloidal gearbox, Position sensors, Controller and LiPo Battery 3kg of weights placed at 330mm distance from the center axis = 100kg/cm or 10NmThe laptop sends a command to move between 90 (vertically down) and 180...
  • GitHub project setup

  • This week I setup project management Kanban board on GitHub: sprint I had a lot of trouble finding shock absorbers for the arms and the torso. Today I finally found RC car drive links that I can...
  • UBC student prototype

  • This picture shows my first metal arm (three years old?, center left), two of my wood robot arms (from a year ago), and the prototype UBC student engineers just delivered. It runs a beaglebone black and has two identical sections. The idea is that three...
  • Hardware selection

  • Specification expected linear speed for a 40mm wheeled robot -> [10mm/s; 1m/s] transformed into wheel rotational speed -> [XXRPM; XXRPM] To match spec, we need to paid attention motor's type. For our application, three type of motor would have been OK...
  • Firmware design

  • First, we want an using firmware with the minimum of features: bring the food from the plate to the mouth at the user’s mouth clear out the plate save the mouth position Our strategy is to learn every position that the robot should reach during the meal...