
855 Results for "iot"

  • IuT ! IoT

  • I think this is a good project for the IuT ! IoT submission. I'll post up some applications using the modular IoT hardware in the coming weeks.
  • IoT capabilities

  • Implemented IoT capabilities (via ESP8266), i.e. value(s) can be fetched thru a web-browser.  Wiring ESP8266 - Pico: Pin 1: GNDPin 2 (TXO): Pico GP5 (UART1 RX)Pin 4: 3.3VPin 7 (RXI): Pico GP4 (UART1 TX)Pin 8: 3.3VOther pins n.c.

  • This project is based on my own library also known as ksIotFrameworkLib. This library is open source and provides very fast software development possibilities for esp and MQTT based devices.
  • IoT Chandelier

  • I have made another project using my 8266Wing shield. It's a dimmable LED Chandelier. The brightness is set over WiFi using a program on my computer.A few weeks ago I discovered LiveCode, a cross platform development tool (Android, Ios, Windows, Linux,...
  • Become an IoT Hunter

  • We're looking for others to get involved! Contact us at to express your interest and explore opportunities for Summer 2016. Tell us Hackaday sent you.Learn more at
  • Skoobot interfacing to IoT

  • Short video of Skoobot interfacing to IoT. In this case an Espruino Puck.js I got from Adafruit. The Espruino products are fascinating what the creator, Gordon, has been able to do. I could port his Espruino Javascript interrupter to Skoobot. That would...
  • IoT node PCB

  • I worked on many parts of this project for last few weeks. One of them is design of IoT node PCB. After some tinkering I created single side PCB design, which can be easily manufactured.Manufactured and populated board looks like thisThis is my first...
  • IoT sensor with case

  • I finally 3D printed case for my PCB.Case can be mounted at wall with four screws. At the top is hole for AVR programmer and notification LED. It is designed to be mounted at wooden. Inventor source files can be found at my GitHub page.Currently, I have...
  • Enhancing the IOT System

  • Obviously, this was just the beginning of the potential for Lutron and our keyboard. One easy way to improve the connection between the two would be to use an actual IoT home system instead of a smartboard. This would have more functions and allow for...
  • IOT project List

  • With this board, we will make lots of IOT project. 1. A9G Publish DHT11 temperature and humidity to ThingSpeak via MQTT 2.Make a GPS Tracker. 3.ESP8266 Publishing DHT11 Readings with MQTT to Raspberry Pi 4.ESP8266 Publishing DHT22 Readings...