
53 Results for "soil+sensor"

  • Soil Moisture Sensor Unit Testing

  • I have setup an Arduino Uno connected to both moisture sensors. The objective of this test is to determine how well each unit functions in it's intended environment.As you can tell from the above image, I've taken a couple of lettuce seedlings and placed...
  • Hacking a Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor for Frequency Output

  • Ok, right up front I'll admit that combining an $1 ADS1115 board with these cheap soil moisture probes is already a decent soil moisture solution for most projects. So I was just messing around here to see what I'd get:
  • Capacitive soil moisture

  • Ok i wanted to use the Chirp as a soil moisture sensor but they are out of stock :(Than I started thinking, why spend extra money on a seperate sensor? The teensy LC has some very capable capacitive measuring pins on its own.So from some left over PCB...
  • On soil moisture sensors...

  • Too dry and your plants will wilt. Too wet, and the roots will rot. So you're going to need a moisture sensor.The standard method in the hobbyist community seems to be a resistive sensor. You take two electrodes, e.g. two nails, put them in the dirt...
  • Components ordered.

  • I have ordered the following soil moisture sensors for testing:-Gravity Soil Moisture sensor This sensor's surface is gold plated using an immersion electrolysis process. Compared to conventional soil moisture sensors, it should last longer. I'm expecting...
  • Solarlamp Project Idea

  • I just figured, that it would be cool to have some solar lamps that would get red if the soil moisture is too low. Some links for later:
  • New ideas

  • Ok, so my quick and dirty capacitive sensor is not very successful. Maybe it is that it needs temperature compensation, maybe I am just measuring noise. The biggest problem is that I do not know.So time to collect data. I have bought a ESP8266 board...
  • Plantasia - Green Robo Thumb

  • This was a super fun project that actually combines so many disciplines. We have some tinkering, some fun designs, 3D-Printing. There are sensors and motors and microcontrollers and code. And the best about it, it actually works now and my lemon and...
  • uPlant soil sensor

  • Before starting development, of course, we looked at similar technologies:  1. Chirp! - plant watering alarm by Catnip electronics  2. Plant Environment Monitor - track light, humidity, temperature, soil nutrition (uS), and moisture by ALab...
  • i have an idea!

  • It has passed some time since i upload a log for this project, a lot has happened in my personal life and in this project too.First, i finished the prototype of the sensor and i made two of them to compare their performance. I used some servo cables...