
11 Results for "esp8266"

  • Internet of Plants (IoP)

  • Internet of Plants is essentially a mesh-network of plant master and slave controllers for better & less plant care with affordable pricing
    • 57
    • 17
  • Phase II: Additional Testing

  • Okay, a few quick updates:- I've gotten a DS18B20 Temperature sensor working with the ESP8266 Huzzah- I've gotten the deep sleep function on the ESP8266 Huzzah working as well, I am currently running long term tests to determine how long the weather...
  • New ideas, starting now

  • OK some busy (non hacking) summer months have passed but I have not stopped this project.Quick update:Won a stick vise Thanks Hackaday!Did not make the next round hackaday price 2015 :( but should get a t-shirt :)The peristaltic pump started leaking,...
  • New ideas

  • Ok, so my quick and dirty capacitive sensor is not very successful. Maybe it is that it needs temperature compensation, maybe I am just measuring noise. The biggest problem is that I do not know.So time to collect data. I have bought a ESP8266 board...
  • Hardware design

  • Recently we bought some new plants to fill up some of the space after we moved to a larger house. I am not the best plant owner, and need to be reminded when to water these new housemates. Roughly at the same time, I found a cool new component, that...
  • Voltage Regulation

  • ...or keeping the magic smoke in.The MSP430 runs at 1.8V-3.3V. The servo, on the other hand, requires 4.8-6V.I plan on using a 4 cell AA battery pack. With Eneloop batteries, this will result in 4.8V input voltage. Optionally, it should work with five...
  • Released Source Code Today

  • Ok, the first version of the source code for TrillSat was released a couple of hours ago under GPL 3.0, and a copy of the source tarball was uploaded to the Files section of this project.  It includes the most important files, the OpenSCAD program...
  • i have an idea!

  • It has passed some time since i upload a log for this project, a lot has happened in my personal life and in this project too.First, i finished the prototype of the sensor and i made two of them to compare their performance. I used some servo cables...
  • TrillSat

  • Introduction Polo and the Pony Express: The T Acronyms Primary Purpose Restoring Communication When Our Infrastructure is Down Secondary Purposes The Ancient Library A Clarkeian Satellite/Spacecraft Analog The Trill Tethered Rocking Orbiting Tracker...