
3554 Results for "air quality"

  • Lower power with CCS811 at 50% duty cycle

  • 11/14/2017 I ran the latest experiment using the same Sensor Tile as I used in the previous log, so it doesn't have the low-power battery charger yet. I modified the sketch to put the CCS811 in idle mode for twenty minutes, and then run in Mode 3 (continuous...
  • Crowdfunding - 25% in less than a day!

  • "With 800 units deployed worldwide, the A3 is probably the best uRADMonitor product, with a plenitude of advanced sensors and built-in Internet connectivity to monitor your location 24/7. We're grateful for all the support we received so far, this includes...
  • Connected Pool Monitor

  • The Problem Knowing the chemistry of the water in a pool is vital to having clean and clear water. The pH of the pool water can tell you if you are having water quality issues. Adding a chemical like chlorine helps keep the water clean. In order to...
  • First 10 units go for #SmartCity

  • The first 10 units were assembled, tested and shipped for a first #smartcity #uradmonitor implementation. I'm happy about the way I came out with the aluminium enclosure, the end plates were designed to fit inside the main body, improving the overall...
  • Sensei32-WiFi_Air_Quality Station is here!

  • The WiFi Air Quality Station firmware acquires 12 measures every hour (one measure every 5minutes, 300s) from the integrated Texas Instruments HDC1080 Temperature and Humidity sensor and the integrated Bosh BME688 Temperature, Humidity, Presssure and...
  • Knock Knock - User interface part two

  • I wa searching the other day for a different AIR Quality Sensor on Aliexpress. And Lucky me: I came across a different Sensor for the User Interface. Thsi should be an addtional sensor to the rotary knob I was thinking if I could extend my user experience...
  • Time for Schematic Design

  • So fiannaly after all the component choosing it is the time for a schematic. In the past I used KiCad in several other designs. Ist is easy to use and why not use it as well on this design?In the past I was often searching on my schematics for connections....
  • Indoor air pollution reduction

  • Although the problem of particulate air pollution, especially PM2.5, is most devastating in China, it is often at hazardous levels throughout Asia including my own home here in Japan. It causes countless heath issues, some fatal. The most common solution...
  • Photos & Brightness Booster Enabled

  • Lots of cool stuff happened recently at the makerspace. For the first, one of our members volunteered to take professional photographs of the Hoverlay II and its internals. After one afternoon of incredibly focussed work on illumination and setup he...
  • Interesting Data.

  • Lets see some cool things!Here is a graph showing the inside (on the "filtered" side) and outside (the house interior). This is the air quality sensor in Ohms.  Remember, that higher numbers are better quality.A few things to noteThe normally high...
  • CAD for HAD

  • I drew something up in SolidWorks to get an idea of the outer shell. Right now I am thinking of a layer cylindrical shingle design. This would allow the enclosure to shed water, but would allow air interchangeability for the air quality sensors.I added...