
9245 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3. 3D Printing

  • As i don't own some sort of cutter i just went with 3D Printing. I will probably add the Letters to Thingieverse so you can do that (PITA) to yourself :-DSince i wanted to have the Clock like half a meter wide each Letterbox has a outer dimension of...
  • 3D Printing

  • 3D Printing: Having never owned a 3D printer, I purchased a printer and started taking my modeling abilities to the next level.   After learning a few important lessons in 3D printing (mistakes), I was up and running.  It takes a day or more...
  • 3D Printer

  • I haven't updated in awhile. I got a new job this summer working for a startup, and moved cross country to Florida. That soaked up most of my time, but I have made some progress on the project. Given my limited time, I made a big mistake with how I...
  • 3D Printing:

  • Go to Lithophane Lamp Maker Page.Choose the images you want to insert.Set all the dimension values as shown in image (as per my design).Login with your E-Mail ID and click on Create.stl.STL file will be downloaded.Link...
  • 3D Printing

  • You can download all the stl files on the following websites:
  • 3D printed prototype

  • Finally, I got around printing the first motor prototype. The frame is here, I still need to find the coil, a 5mm shaft, screws and possibly bearings. I have some small magnets that should do it for the proof of concept.The stator coil holders were printed...
  • 3D printed helmet

  • The head of the robot was designed in Fusion 360. It's composed of 6 parts, which were printed in white PLA with 0.2mm resolution. Total printing time: 14 hours.A cabeça do robô foi projetada usando o Fusion 360. Ela é composta de 6 partes,...
  • volumetric 3D printing

  • As described on Hackaday and Sci-hub, a new volumetric printing method has been described which uses two colors.A light sheet with a 375 nm laser diode and DLP projection between 450-700 nm. The prism scanner can also be used to accomplish this. Basically,...
  • 3D Printing

  • Download the Winter Soldier Mask stl Files.Open the files in slicing software.I have printed the objects with 0.2mm layer height, 20% infill and with tree support enabled.After slicing 3D print the objects.Remove the support material once...
  • 3D Printing

  • 3D Print the above .stl files:5x Housing in any color you want5x Cover in white color filament5x ESP32-C3-Mount in any color5x Neopixel-Plate in any colorI used Ultimaker Cura for slicing.Settings:Layer height: 2mmPrint speed: 100No SupportPrinted on...
  • 3D Printed Lancing Tools

  • August 8, 2017 | ProgressTH Lancing tools are used for breaking open blisters and sores, and in this case, breaking only one to take a sample for diagnosis. We don't really think that 3D printing is good for this application, but the national children's...