
2844 Results for "e-ink"

  • SSD1606 E-ink display

  • This is a relatively cheap SPI E-ink display that you can find on tindie. It has 4 shades of grey per pixel, and 172x72 resolution.The code is at code:from machine import Pin,...
  • E-Ink Display

  • I received a 2.9" E-paper display, and I hope to use it for showing the scores.  The display module is manufactured by Waveshare, and comes with handy sample code for Raspberry Pi, Arduino and STM32. This was my first time working with...
  • Is E-ink Ready Yet?

  • Of course the obvious solution for a display for a conference badge is e-paper or e-ink display. It has a number of advantages:keeps displaying with the device off, which means that you could even do without the battery, or — if you really want to have...
  • Ink and Waste Container

  • If you use four colors you will need four ink containers and one waste container. I used some empty jelly jars for that and drilled two 5mm holes into the lid to fit in the 6mm silicone tube. At the ink containers one tube is connected to the piezo pump...
  • Summary - Ink Data Progress

  • Keeping the ink at the right viscosity is essential for getting a stable ink stream breakup and with that stable charging and deflection of the ink droplets. In the initial design, I counted the time it takes until the ink level of the pressurized tank...
  • Movement and ink

  • The frame is mostly assembled, and the first wiring is in. We just had a few holidays here, so I have to wait on some parts, but there is movement. This movement is coordinated by a GRBL motion controller with 2 TMC2100 motor controllers. Right now my...
  • New Ink and MakeUp Valves

  • I had to replace the valves that control the flow of ink and makeup because they were not completely sealed so that the fluids could flow back in the lines over time which would mess up the amount of added fluid for keeping the ink at the right viscosity....