
43 Results for "arduino"

  • SparkLED

  • This is a client/server suite for controlling a LED display using a Spark Core, a LED array and Python3
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  • Arduino Test sketch

  • Tonight I have made a start on developing a sketch for the Arduino. The Arduino has two main functions in this project; to read a variety of buttons and sensors, and to send a command to the Pi based on its readings. For testing and prototyping I have...
  • Code and Instructions on Github

  • A rough tutorial along with the necessary code to get this setup working has been uploaded to Github: On the hardware side its relatively simple: an arduino, an LM1881 sync separator chip, a diode, and...
  • Code

  • A quick post to provide a link to the latest available code : link contains the code that runs on the raspberry pi. However, this is mostly just python code, and the essential aquarium functions...
  • Virtual Printer

  • ThenDot matrix printer connected to a legacy data-logger, which monitors data from hundreds of critical valves and switches. The dot matrix printer was also beat up, and had problems like paper jams and sometimes ink would not be replaced timely. This...
  • Hard- and software overview

  • ArchitectureThere are 3 software components in the system:Arduino firmware for driving the WS2812 LED stripesESP8266 firmware (Arduino sketch)Python scripts for the Raspberry PiThis image gives an overview of the system:WS2812There exists an option to...
  • Funky Light

  • With Funky Light we describe two different Layers, one of them is the server side and the other one is the client side. We want to design the server side independent from the client, so we could easily exchange the client for an off the shelf product...
  • Replication

  • Instructions on how you can build your own gesture detection glove! Get started by uploading the in the Arduino_Sketch folder onto an Arduino of your choice with a button and Adafruit LSM6DSOX 9dof IMU.Use the in the Training_Data folder. Initiate this...
  • The first Electronics

  • Today I began with the work on the electronics, since a basic ultrasonic transmission worked out yesterday. I started with populating an ATmega328 and a 24FC512 (I went for the FC type because that gives me the possibility to later run the digital part...
  • Software

  • My initial thoughts and research  on how to create the software side of this project has brought me to Fluidsynth.Fluidsynth is a fantastic bit of software with many features, but one feature is exactly what I need; it capable of generating notes...