
30 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • BrainfuckPC Relay Computer

  • Outline Tens of thousands of people creates they own programs on brainfuck esoteric programming language.  Thousands - creates they own brainfuck compilers or emulators to run their creation. But the only one man tries to create Brainfuck Relay...
  • Kinetic Sculpture

  • Overview Internally, the sculpture is organized into modules of four motors. Every module has a circuit board with the motor drivers, power regulators, comms interfaces, and two microcontrollers. Each microcontroller is responsible for the position...
  • #T_H_S

  • VideoQuick demo video of the hardware in actionUpdate videoThe beginningAnother year another hackaday prize, (I hope this is going to be an annual affair). After entering last years contest with a project I just happen to be working on at the time I...
  • Stripboard Meets KiCad

  • The Mission  I needed some stripboard for a prototype.  Even in the age of Oshpark and JLCPCB I still find stripboard prototypes to be useful.  I can make them in an afternoon and they are easy to modify. But, where to source stripboard? ...
  • A Better Sheet

  • A new and improved spreadsheet is now sorted by project, instead of by contest, making it easier to sort and analyze (no more double entries!) Get the spreadsheet, it looks much better. Download the new one here. It has presorted sheets for most Skulls,...
  • Project Log 6: Attempt to design.

  • Friday, 13:25, 02/12/2022 - Yes, "02/12", it took my two days to finish this Project Log since I had to rewrite it time and time again.At first I thought this was a waste of time, but after doing this, I feel like I have a better idea...
  • Drone AWuAV 3015E

  • AWuAV 3015E the Revolutionary Open Source drone! Get in touch with us  What make are AWuAV 3015E different & better  then the “Latest & Greatest” drones offerings today … is that AWuAV 3015E Is revolutionary and is Almost all...
  • NeuroBytes v0.92 Prototype

  • Today, the NeuroBytes project takes its first baby step into the 21st century.Okay, ignore the extremely sketchy construction techniques. It's an STM32F0 Discovery board, chosen due to its extremely low cost (under $10) and built-in ST-LINK programmer....