
35 Results for "C 바카라사이트쿠폰 cddc7_com ☆보너스코드 B77☆태안 원엑스벳⑊원주 원엑스벳┫아랍축구생중계㎗부평바둑이̼바카라사이트쿠폰후기 soliloquist/"

  • Dhaval Patel

  • I am developer and working on so many platforms like C,C++, PHP, DotNet, Arduino, Raspberry PI

  • I make and break stuff (mostly break stuff, but I am also good at making new stuff)
  • Aishwarya Barik

  • A budding PROGRAMMER and EMBEDDED enthusiast . Love PYTHON and C ...... Started on learning AVR , ARM, IOT and ML....
  • Nikhil Mishra

  • A space enthusiast, engineer and a curious homo sapient. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Love Rockets!
  • jayishnuuttane

  • I'm an engineering student pursuing B.Tech + M.Tech in Electronics and Communications engineering
  • Madhav

  • I'm going to have a lot of extra time this summer and I'm moving over to the Bay Area. I want to start establishing a good professional profile online of my pro
  • Marimuthu C

  • I am an budding enginner and i have knowledge about basics of electronics, arduino, bldc motor controller and working principle.
  • Vishnu C Rajeev

  • A fun loving engineer who loves Robots ,AI (I might or might not be one) and everything TECH, spends free time with Photography
  • Sagnik

  • Arduino , Unity 3d , Blender , Java , C# , RasberryPi , Electronics and other stuff
  • Siddharth Dayalwal

  • Hardworking and enthusiastic for anything given. Bringing experience at different platforms will be surely devoted to given task.