
42 Results for "python"

  • OLOGUNOWA Samuel

  • I am a tech enthusiast who loves creating both software and hardware solutions to existing problems. A passionate learner
  • Juan Rios

  • Engineer, hacker and artist. I love the maker movement and want to improve the the way the world works with my creations
  • Laurent

  • I'm a juggler and I discovered computer science in 2007 with GNU/Linux. Now I particularly like embedded systems, uC...
  • Nick Moore

  • Hardware and embedded systems focused computer engineering grad employed as a hadoop software developer.
  • Bailey

  • I am a musician and amateur tinkerer. I know a fair bit about software programming, but no hardware; I'm looking to learn.
  • FatherVoid

  • Hey there! I am a noob who enjoys having his toes dipped into anything and everything!
  • Ian Hellen

  • MSTICPy author/maintainer. Working in Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) on Python and Jupyter notebooks for security defenders/blue teams.