
1917 Results for ""

  • RPi WiFi

  • When the Raspberry Pi Zero was announced, a significant chunk of the hacker world dismissed it for having the same fatal flaw as the other Pis: only one USB host port for high speed I/O.Network connectivity is a major reason that people base projects...
  • 6. Testing The Water Sprayer System

  • In this section I will show you the programming of the Nicla Vision, and the MKR WAN 1310 in the Water Sprayer system. We will also test the prototype. Programming The Nicla Vision Below I show you the code for the Nicla Vision board:# AUTHOR: GUILLERMO...
  • ESP-01 Breakout

  • 1. GeneralFor experimenting with the ESP8266 I developed this little PCB. Experimenting with the previous setup on a breadboard was no pleassure. The main benefit of this PCB is a much better acces to the program-mode and the reset over one switch. 2....
  • Nautical Software #1

  • There are different software alternatives to plot nautical charts, the following table shows some of them:  NamePlatform / Environment FormatInternetOpenCPNWindows, LinuxKAP,BSB, CM93OfflineWinNav (GPS-32)WindowsOpenSeaMap (KAP) WSV, BingMaps,...
  • Step 1: verify that everything works properly

  • NOTE: none of the following steps require a power supply connected to any of the boards, but in case you want to do so, connect the power supply to the board BEFORE plugging it to your PC and opening the port, as this may cause a short circuit on your...
  • Random + TODOs?

  • This project-page is REALLY random... Here's Something for later avr-lvds-lcd (why didn't I call that avr-fpdlink? And why do I continue to call it the former despite its now handling a slew of LCD interfaces?):
  • 192:LED

  • see #192:LED redesign  for ongoing work on successor192:LED The goal of this Project is to build a very tiny 8x8 RGB LED Matrix. This Matrix will be controlled by UART and/or i2c (not decided yet). Beside this there will be some "demo-Modes"...
  • First prototype PCB

  • So I've been working on this for a while already and am only now catching up in documenting it.  I document it because it might be useful to someone but also because it tends to be useful to myself, if I need to check back later on what exactly...
  • Display technology again

  • Foreword: this page led to the creation of #Numitron Hexadecimal display module I try to stay true to the project's philosophy, which implies the use the technology that was available in the 40's and 50's (or at least, would make sense). Relays, incandescent...
  • Software ~layer~ hell

  •   Today I gave a fresh try to the tandem networkboot-customiso. As the network boot is already working, I will try to explain the steps to create the iso and make it available over tftp boot. Create an ISO I can boot: (ideally with pre-installed...
  • Internet of Batteries (IoB-DC27)

  • Internet of Batteries: DEF CON 27 - "They don't support that" BoI | Definition: Noun, Battery of Internets Welcome to the Internet of Batteries: DEF CON 27 Edition! We've been told that the SAO standard "doesn't support" a battery back-powering the circuit...