
3186 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • BLDC Servoextruder

  • Motor/Servo selection In my search for a suitable motor I came across the HBS 880 BB MG brushless servo. Hobby servos are a good fit for this project since they are relatively cheap, lightweight and already include a gear train. Also the splined output...
  • PD150

  • The story behind this project Every now and then I would find the need for a differential probe. I’d end up using a high voltage diff probe, which you've probably seen lurking around most electronics labs – the ones housed in a large rectangular box...
  • Arduino Negative Voltmeter

  • Introduction Stuck with only one multimeter/voltmeter ? But, sometimes you need to check 2 or 3 voltages as the same time. Then this is something you might consider making, a real DC voltmeter ! Designed with commonly available components and easy to...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Page 2

  • Elliot Williams  4:02 PM I've always really liked the badge culture b/c it's fully DIY, and because making a badge -- at least just for yourself and/or a couple friends -- can be a low-stress entry into PCB design. Elliot Williams  4:03 PM And in that...
  • Forth on stm8 - Various Topics

  • Introduction I've been diving in to forth on and off for a while now.  It's a thing that takes over my whole brain, and I really welcome the distraction from time to time.  And it's for my work, so there's that.  I've been bouncing...
  • Sound-Activated TARDIS

  • Overview: How did I go from simply wanting to assemble a wooden model of a TARDIS to buying about $100 worth of stuff to paint it, make it light up, play audio, and pulse its lights to the sound? But before we answer that, let's start off with the final...