
3186 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • Hardware Games Hack Chat Transcript

  • Shayna Welcome @phoenix perry :)  Boian Mitov Hello @phoenix perry :-)  phoenix perry I successfully found wifi after showing botparty at Indiecade in LA, which everyone should go see if they are in town  phoenix perry I'm showing...
  • Soviet drum synth - Lell UDS

  • I'll split this desctiption into several steps later Introduction You may want to check out the vid I made about this synth first (it's in Russian, but English subs are available): Here I'd like to share everything I learned about this synth up...
  • Build day 04

  • All things do not go as planned. One of our printers does not seemed to have shipped, or got lost along the way, and both of our BL Touch kits were missing in action, and contrary to the initial order in fact backordered until who knows when. Raspberry...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Ahron Wayne12:43 PMThis one? Dan Maloney12:43 PMI wasn't going to this time, I swear! Patrick Hickey12:43 PM@polyfractal greeting from scotland. I recently salvaged a biorad radiance 2100 confocal, currently trying to source a solid state laser to replace...
  • Mobile Robot with 2 Wheels

  • The mobile robot consists of 2 types of sensors: the ultrasonic and the TCRT5000 sensor. In this article, sponsored by JLCPCB, you will learn step-by-step how to build a 2-wheel mobile robot from scratch. I'll even show you how to assemble the Arduino...
  • ELterm

  • View video about this project on YouTube: I highly suggest watching the video. The following is the transcript of the video: Hello everyone, it has been a while. This video I would like to share one of the projects I finished recently, ELterm. Which...
  • The Amstrad CPC Portable

  • Demo Videos: The final CPC Portable playing "Oh Mummy!":  Build Objectives  In principle, I am not a big fan of case mods. Being a collector of retro computers, I strive to restore and preserve the original hardware. This cost-reduced CPC 464...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Page 2

  • lakeskin12:57 PMIf you need a GPS unit capable of operating at these altitutdes, or an ion thruster for a private project how can you be a member of the general public and attempt this? DIY sort of implies anyone with the knowhow could attempt this but...