
25 Results for "S 토토추천업체 CDDC7.COM ♪보너스코드 B77♪토토피지컬ྪ피망포커쿠폰☸카지노직업⋔실시간tv중계ڢ토토추천업체사랑 dissimilarity/"

  • RSSId

  • [R]eceived [S]ignal [S]trength [I]ndicator [d]aemon: capture the RSS on a land-mobile radio and tag with GPS coordinates.
    • 1.6k
    • 9
  • Driving OLED Displays Directly

  • There are many monochrome OLED display modules available for really reasonable prices out there. They can be really useful for a small and simple display in a project. However, many libraries available for driving them are rather big and slow. In this...
  • EVA experiences

  • EVA has provided good adhesion to laminate desk material when weighed down.  A big sheet can be weighed down by the keyboard.  The problem is its static cling attracts dirt, but the dirt seems to be shaken off more easily than neoprene. ...
  • Bad Ideas, Good Ideas

  • So, was thinking about actually getting all of these 256 channels broken out to terminals, and the thinking went somewhat like "connect 16 wires to each relay, then distribute". That progressed until I ended up with something like:two relay boards, surrounded...
  • Storing filament

  • is a difficult problem in a $3000 apartment. The lack of space & erratic temperatures make it hard. Rich gootubers can do whatever they want, but storing filament in the ambient air is not an option for us plebeians. It all becomes hydrated & useless....
  • Little flash, big trouble

  • 16KB flash should be enough for everybody...... at least that's what I though when selecting the controller for this project. After all, controlling a soldering iron is not a very complex task, so I just got the smallest STM32F0 available. Then I started...
  • Big Changes, Core Module

  • It's been a while since I had an update on Neptune, but I have been making a ton of progress. I've been focusing on taking everything I learned from prototyping and previous boards and turning that into more effective designs.Most of these changes are...
  • MIDI Control Board

  • I am a user of Guitarix as an amp/guitar processing unit on a PC. I was looking to build a MIDI controller that I could stomp with a foot to toggle individual processing units on/off, and to also carry a few potentiometers that could change the parameters...
  • Parallel Bus

  • The displays arrived a few days ago, but I really didn't have the energy to get them working until today. Yesterday I found my Universal Display Breakout Board™ and soldered the display to it. Today I connected a Feather RP2040 to it, and tried to get...
  • Sensor Integration

  • Sensor IntegrationNow that I have something that is basically working, I thought it would be time to think about how I am going to integrate four sensors to the ESP-12E.The ESP-12E does not have eight free lines after allowance for the stepper control...