
144 Results for "circuitpython"

  • SPI Display Array Desktop Clock

  • The display array is a board that sets 6 ST7735 display with a resolution of 80x160px in a linear array sharing the clock, data, rs, backlight pins together, and leaving individual access to the cs lines of each display, This board allows you to display...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Aaron Oppenheimer12:52 PM@AJ yeah, i guess you could say all of us have done that in the last couple years. You kind of have to be able to work with both types of people in this field. Its really just about keeping it simple and making sure everyone's...
  • Five

  • The AliExpress sensors arrived yesterday. They were not what I thought I ordered. Chalk it up to operator error. In any case I was able to assemble the sensors and plug them into another protoboard. It's not pretty, but it works. The Feather was able...
  • Espruino HackChat Transcript

  • Shayna Welcome @Gordon Williams :) We'll likely get rolling around :05 mins after so everyone has a chance to enter the room + get settled. Gordon Williams Ok, great - thanks! Boian Mitov Hello @Gordon Williams :-) Arsenijs Hi @Gordon Williams ! Shayna...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • So let's get started! Like I said, lots of new names, so welcome to the Hack Chat. I'm Dan, I'll be moderating today along with Dusan as we welcome James Munns to talk about Rust. James Munns12:01 PMHey all! James, are you online yet? Great timing......
  • 1950s Bakelite Podcast Player

  • Finding a suitable case Bush were an early UK electronics company and the DAC90A, brought out in 1950, is the classic vintage radio set. Made from Bakelite, it emanates a warm orange glow from the glass tuning panel that brings to mind clipped British...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Steve Pomeroy12:23 PM@Jason Moungey that's a disco stick if I've ever seen one! Jason Moungey12:23 PMEither way I am in love with it Jason Moungey12:23 PM@Steve Pomeroy :))))) Garrett Mace12:24 PMOnce you do your transforms, you can step through the...