
10026 Results for "arduino"

  • #TindieChat Feb 3, 2017 - Marketing

  • Adrian Studer says:an hour agoI have a marketing question for TindieSophi Kravitz says:an hour agoshootDavid says:an hour agoi have a few ;)Adrian Studer says:an hour agoWhat do you see in your stats as the biggest external driver of traffic?Jasmine...
  • #TindieChat Transcript Feb 28, 2017 - Certifications

  • Jasmine Brackett says:2 hours agoHello Everyone! We're about to start this month's TindieChat!Sophi says:2 hours agoWe have a list of really interesting questions to discuss :
  • Hackaday Prize Hack Chat Transcript

  • Sophi Kravitz How many people in here have entries in the Hackaday Prize?ShaynaSophi Kravitz +1redhose i hav enoneSophi Kravitz DOCSRead this on Google...
  • Transcript

  • Hello! We're just waiting for people to arrive and we'll get started in a few minutes. For now, you can direct questions to here >> and I'll relay them. Rob Faludi joined  the room. 3:00 PM...
  • FPGA Bootcamp Transcript PT II

  • Frank Buss12:28 PMyeah, 6 weeks is very short Antti Lukats12:28 PMthe RULES are bullshit, I can say it here.. Al Williams12:28 PMI haven't looked at them lately but I will Antti Lukats12:28 PMhow many days would you need to figure out WHAT is needed...
  • Super IMU

  • Introduction In this project, I describe my small odyssey in Ada for embedded ARM to realize from scratch an redundant IMU software and harware environment based on the latest performant IMU, the BMI088. And how to estimate the pitch and roll: What I...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMHello everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. Let's get started with today's chat, which is all about the 2019 Hackaday Prize. @Majenta Strongheart is here to tell us all about it and answer your questions. Majenta, can you kick things...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hello all, it's noon here on the West Coast and we're ready to kick off the Hack Chat. We're excited to have Noah, Sebastian, and David from Incuvers today, here to talk about how the company is "Disrupting Cell Biology" with some instruments that have...

  • Things used in this project IoT Long Range Wireless Temperature Humidity Sensor with power source Battery Or External DC.Zigmo/Router for PCPC/Laptop with an OS installed or Any IoT Embedded Device.Story Introducing NCD’s long-range wireless temperature...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • alan.b.johnston12:33 PMFSK is a Fox-1 emulation mode, also known as Data Under Voice or DUV alan.b.johnston12:34 PMThe BPSK mode is for Fox-1E (to be launched in 2020) and HuskySat-1 1200 bps J12:34 PMah yeh can see the frequency jump now J12:34 PM(must...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Tarek Loubani12:37 PMIt took me almost a year just to ship in dummies for training. And we had to claim they were non-medical tools for displaying clothes or some oddity Tarek Loubani12:37 PM@Tammo Heeren : This was already happening. BUT, we got derailed...