
193 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • MotionSense

  • The Solution - in a nutshell So, the solution to this problem is a bit complex. The aim is to develop a fully functional and smart system using the Particle's Mesh devices so that the elderly people can easily control all the equipment in their house...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMLooks like we're ready to go. I want to thanks Anool Mahidaria for taking time out of his trip to be with us today to chat about KiCad and FreeCAD. Anool, can you give us a little background on yourself and how you came to be presenting...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, let's get started. I'm Dan Maloney, I'll be the moderator today. I want to welcome everyone to the Hack Chat today, especially our host, @Will Cogley, who does some really cool stuff with animatronics. Will, can you tell us a little about your background...
  • Menesto

  • Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children. Menopause typically occurs between 49 and 52 years of age. Medical professionals often...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Page 1

  • kristina panos  2:52 PM Ahoy! Dan Maloney  2:52 PM Howdy! kristina panos  2:53 PM How's everything going in here? Dan Maloney  2:53 PM Looking good, we'll get started officially in a few kristina panos  2:53 PM Okay! I'll be here Dan Maloney  2:54 PM...
  • Broke Hackers' Model Railway

  • The goal of the project is to create a cheap, simple, open source, automated, 3D printed, connected, DIY model railway system. Here are the details about why can it be useful and how can it help the world. THE STANDARD KIT Since the project is more like...
  • 5th September 2015

  • I have order 2 Panels are 260W Vmp is 30.2V and Imp is 8.6A tindo solar who where kind enough to sell these to me at the whole price. I am currntly preparing the Solar Panel Regular, Charger and Mosfet Controllers.Paul Schulz has join the team and is...
  • Birth of the idea of "Brainmotic"

  • First of all, we want to thanks, everyone who vote for bootstrap our idea! We appreciated the fact that you like our project, and to be honest, we are extremely excited to begin this journey.We know that the fifth challenge of the HackadayPrize2016 started...
  • AkerfaBot

  • History: Sometimes, when I go jogging in the woods, I notice that there is some trash (bottles, paper, glass ...) thrown in the forest. And sometime I wanted to collect all that trash, but why not build a robot that can do that automatically. The idea...
  • Rescue robot using PIC16F887

  • For those who wonder why use a PIC16F887 and not some development interface such as arduino or perhaps raspberry, I can say that it is because in the school they made it a goal to use this microcontroller in order to increase our knowledge and perhaps...
  • Choose your own adventure bot

  • Top 3 struggles I have with robots and how this project solved them. 1) Cost too much. Mostly because of expensive servos and high end processors. -  Designed a cheap driver/sensor board to read the absolute angle of the motor joint and run the...