
9622 Results for "soil+sensor"

  • Transcript

  • Boian Mitov 3:01 PM Hello @Lindy Thank you for organizing this :-) In the meantime, you can all put your questions here > and @Boian Mitov could give us an introduction? Stephen Tranovich 3:02...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

  • Fran PiernasFeb-20 12:51 PMthat should work too, however I think that kerosene has shorter chains than mineal oil, so it's more likkely to burn than minearl oil JarrettFeb-20 12:51 PMkerosene does burn, yeah guido.giunchiFeb-20 12:51 PMHow do you measure...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Chip Gracey12:29 PM@IRC, no, SD boot would take longer. I'm talking about an 8-pin serial Flash. IRC12:29 PM[Kamilion] normal old SPI NOR, winbond 4-bit style. IRC12:29 PM[Kamilion] Gotcha. Ken Gracey (Parallax)12:29 PMHey @Joshua Donelson so good to...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hey everyone, let's get started. Let's all welcome @Ryan Beltrán to the Hack Chat today. We're going to discuss clean water tech and using STEM to maximize its impact. Ryan, can you get us going with a little bit about yourself and
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK, everyone, it's noon here in the Pacific time zone, so let's get started. Today we have @Signals Everywhere/KR0SIV to talk about software-defined radio, which I can't believe we've never done a Hack Chat about. @Signals Everywhere/KR0SIV - Welcome!...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • BSA Secure12:31 PM@RichardCollins I'm playing with Viasat Surfbeam 2 modems and their TRIA's (Outdoor units) that supports Input (RX) Frequency 18.3 to 20.2 GHz Output (TX) Frequency 28.1 to 30.0 GHz. I'm getting them on various none-ebay portals for...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • alan.b.johnston12:33 PMFSK is a Fox-1 emulation mode, also known as Data Under Voice or DUV alan.b.johnston12:34 PMThe BPSK mode is for Fox-1E (to be launched in 2020) and HuskySat-1 1200 bps J12:34 PMah yeh can see the frequency jump now J12:34 PM(must...