
86 Results for "circuitpython"

  • Proper Repository

  • While the CircuitPython port of this library is being used both on the #µGame and a number of Adafruit boards (see #PyBadge Hacking), and is included in the official repository, the MicroPython port is not as well supported. In fact, if...
  • the first steps...

  • the idea came from this Applied Science Video: Electroluminescent paint and multi-channel control circuit 21 Nov 2018 starting at 11:25 there is a link to amazon for a element – and it is not available to delivery to germany 🙁 so i went on with...
  • PICOmputer

  • SWOT analysis Strengths: no competitionsimple as possiblecheapbeautiful design (I'm shameless)qwerty keyboardHD IPS display - onboardany display, iPS, TFT, OLED, eInk by wires, need just redesign front panelcircuitpythonmicropythonarduino core Weaknesses:...
  • Progress update: BLE and V2

  • CodingAfter coming up against some memory allocation issues and then solving them with some optimisation and freezing some libraries, I've moved onto playing with the ItsyBity's nRF52840 chip and it's Bluetooth LE connection. The main goal...
  • Weekend update

  • Over the weekend I had some time to work with the ESP-EYE and start talking with my signal endpoint. For now it's not "smart" but I have a button that will let me set the signal status manually, and the PyPortal updates accordingly. This at least proves...
  • Buttons

  • Handling buttons on a game console requires some special consideration, since it is going to affect how responsive the games feel. Human touch can discriminate really small timing differences, and we definitely don't want to miss any button presses —...
  • Daft Punk Word Clock

  • Inspiration I started with the Adafruit PyBadge. This is a 120 MHz ATSAMD51 based board that can be easily reflashed using a variety of UF2 images. I put on the latest stable CircuitPython, 7.0, and updated the .mpy files in the filesystem with the...
  • D1 Mini Shield

  • I have been mostly working on the #PewPew Standalone recently, but some people still prefer the PewPew Lite version, mostly for its color display and ability to work with the ESP8266 Feather. So after I finally found reasonably tiny buttons for...
  • The Magical Number 16

  • I'm trying to budget the memory of this thing, for graphics is known to take a lot of it. There is a number of tricks I plan to use to save memory in order to fit into the 32kB available, together with the CircuitPython runtime.Frozen modules. All the...
  • Porting to M5Stack

  • One of the nicer MicroPython-capable boards with integrated color display out there is the M5Stack. It's a bit pricey, but you get a really nice enclosure, and if you get the "faces" thing, even several keyboards. So I decided to try porting the Stage...