
177 Results for "persistence of vision"

  • Booting Linux from SD Card

  • Assembling The board is hand-assembled. I use a stencil to spread the solder paste and then the components are placed with tweezers. When working with BGA packages I always place them first. To check the alignment, I look under the package from its side,...
  • Adding TLS

  • While having a username and password is better than an open MQTT server, the credentials are still being sent in plain text, so anyone with a packet sniffer could intercept them and then gain access to our server. To avoid this, let's setup TLS (commonly,...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • OK everyone, thanks for coming, let's get started. I'm Dan, I'll be your moderator today, and I want to welcome Simplifier to the Hack Chat. You've probably seen a few of his projects that we've covered over the years, including DIY vacuum tubes and...
  • Big day for DB6502!

  • Good things do happen every now and then Today I want to start with the latest update - and for a change, this will be very optimistic one. After I shared last entries on Reddit, I got suggestion to try out different PLD chip variant for address decoding,...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Mike Stewart12:26 PMnot long -- a guy by the name of George Silver observed the problem at the Cape while testing LM-3, documented it, and reported it. and he knew instantly what had happened curiousmarc12:26 PM@Mike Stewart But we understand a lot...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. I'm not sure I saw Seb login yet - are you here, Seb? derthog joined  the room.12:00 PM riley.august12:00 PMOooh, it's THAT kind of laser artistry Yes indeed riley.august12:01 PMYeah those lasercubes are neat...
  • Cat Feeder (Slot version)

  • CatFeeder This project builds an automatic feeder for cats (or other small animals). The goal is build a complete, DIY solution, from the fabrication of the container, to software are electronics. The feeder is managed using a web interface, so you can...
  • to do list

  • Watch v1.x to do list:manual time set modewifi hotspot mode for debug / web page timesetmanual wifi persistence for debug / reinstate turning wifi off for normal run timetime set by scraping http header to bypass gate kept public wifi (hotel "enter your...