
5666 Results for "fix"


  • Maybe my posting this will somehow magically fix my current dilemma with regards to this project...You see... Shit's Hit The Fan, recently... (check out the latest logs at #"From Nerd to Criminal in Seven Easy Years")And the ol' Omni4 has been sprawled...
  • Nose Cone Part 2

  • (image wikipedia)Here is my attempt to print out the code for a 2 litre Morrisons (UK supermarket) water bottle, others may vary. I had to extend the overhang and I elongated the cone keeping angles at 45 degrees or lower for my printer (0 is vertical...
  • Gameboy Pocket Blue Case Mod

  • So first off with this project I wanted to recase my old gameboy pocket. When I originally got it used long ago (during Gameboy Advance SP's heyday actually ) the screen protector broke off, so I reatached it with plastic cement but I smudged it and...
  • MRRF2017

  • Minus some massive sleep deprivation related flailing, MRRF2017 went off well. Drove the printer to the show directly from Tampa and arrived Saturday morning, where at one point I had to look up how to use software that I had written.This time we brought...
  • Getting closer

  • It turns out that if you swap out the 16 MHz crystal for a 12 MHz one, USB seems to work a lot better. The firmware hasn't completed the full attach sequence just yet, but it's much further along. It's unclear why 16 MHz doesn't work. The datasheet says...
  • Manufacturing status

  • I've been putting more updates on Crowd Supply on the state of manufacturing etc, while keeping things here on more technical, but I thought I should put something about it here as well.  Manufacturing is an important part of every...
  • Equalizer on the IS31FL3728

  • I recently got a hot air rework station (a cheap Chinese one), which allowed me to revisit some of my failed assemblies with the QFN chips, and fix them. Yes, the problems I had were partly due to missing filtering capacitors, but also due to bad soldering....
  • Live and Learn

  • The boards arrived on Saturday. I finally had time to sit down Monday night and begin populating one. Full disclosure, this was my first time doing and fine pitch or SMT work. I began by doing a full electrical test on one of the boards, which it passed....
  • Sketches, Available Stock

  • I decided to keep the size of my vise close to the original, so I could re-use the available jaw models. After some sketching I came up with this design:The shafts will be secured to the fixed end by either a thread in the end of a shaft, loctite or...
  • PewPew FeatherWing

  • Game programming is hard. Sure, you can easily throw together something in RPGMaker, RenPy or Unity3D, and it's great -- but you don't actually know how it works inside. There is a certain skill required to go from scratch, write your own main loop,...