
461 Results for "iot"

  • Michele

  • Creative Technologist working for the arts industry and the corporate events industry. Electronics, SW development, AR. Curious.
  • siefech

  • High School Teacher, Sr. Engineer at Rapid Prototyping Startup, Robotics Coach, Mobile Robotics Consultant.
  • Garland

  • Full stack software engineer. People know me as curious, creative and collaborative. I turn code into art!
  • Tony Kambourakis

  • IT Architect at IBM. Obsessed with space, animation, visual effects & shiny Apple toys. Dabble with iOS dev & hug my tech gadgets every day. Views are my own.
  • ROM_an

  • electronics hobbiest from 5yr - electronics&lead in blood, µC, FPGA, DSP and progr'g all from .asm 2 .py
  • Ulises Rolon

  • Informático mexicano/español, vivo en España desde 2007, padre de 3 niñas. Informático, bloguero, linuxero. BLOG:
  • ngp

  • Embedded Systems Engineer and Technology enthusiast
  • Tampa Hackerspace

  • 8800sf volunteer-driven Creative Space with great tools, classes and community. Shops for electronics, wood, metal, plastics and textiles.
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  • Chad Jordan

  • U.S. Air Force veteran (Ret.), cybersecurity professional, IT/Cyber consultant, ethical hacker, pentester, and optimist!