
49 Results for "3D printing"

  • Jordan

  • SynthOrg Chemist, Engineer, Robotics Coach, DIYer, Automation enthusiast, Gamer, & Retro/Vintage Tech Restoration/Collecting
  • Turner Kirk

  • I create in order to learn how the world works. I create to enable myself and other people to do things we wish we could do.
  • Melody O

  • 'Cause I'm just a girl, a little ol' me Well, don't let me out of your sight Oh, I'm just a girl, (and an engineer).
  • nallath

  • Software engineer for Ultimaker, with a specialisation in 3D scanning and computer vision
  • hbwh19

  • Likes to do CAD stuff and make them with my 3D printer together with electronics.
  • Ryan Davis

  • I am an electrical and robotics engineer armed with a wood shop, 3D printer, and a collection of garbage.