
5420 Results for "raspberry"

  • rrlittle

  • Biomedical Engineer, CS, Embedded Systems, DIY enthusiast. I'm interested in cool shit, neat stuff, and a lot else. peace.
  • Suraj George

  • I like what I do. I do what I like. Took me a while to get to where I am. I have miles to go and promises to keep...
  • Atle Krogstad Berg

  • Ever curious, investigative and experimental. Thinking deep thoughts on what the future might bring. How can we help it along?
  • Fabio Balzano

  • Hacking, tinkering, coding, robotics, IOT. [ Electronic engineering + Linux/BSD = :) ], now trying to combine those two worlds..
  • Bill Sidhipong

  • Likes to squeeze as much out of AVR as possible. Loves reading datasheets in spare time. Hates C++ with a passion.