
5666 Results for "fix"

  • No-Code pH Meter

  • Introduction and goals This is a pH meter with temperature compensation and digital readout (but no microcontroller): plug a standard glass-electrode pH probe into the BNC jack and use it to measure the pH of a solution. This project is part of Hackaday's...
  • A Life in the Day of MorningStar

  • I've led an incredible life, one too incredible to keep telling, so I'm putting it all here in brief. Buried among the rest of my stuff it will tell my story until I'm ready to write my book. One day I will, but until then. Born Jan 1967, same year as...

  • Arduino LED 8X8 DOT Matrix Display with MAX7219 The Dot Matrix display is so useful that every enthusiast once came across it. It is a two dimensional patterned LED array that is used to represent character, symbol and images. Almost every outdoor LED...
  • Project Precision

  • Way back in the late 80s, I remember seeing a TV show (I think it was Amazing Stories) which featured an interesting clock. It was round, black, about the same size as a normal wall clock, and all done up in LEDs. The LEDs appeared to be what I now recognize...
  • FLASH Chip Programmer

  • I decided that at some stage I need to get some code into this project. I was previously thinking of using an atmega to load boot code to the CPU and then have the CPU boot to SD card. I am not so sure about using an atmega as a co-processor now that...
  • reiREXcarnation

  • It all began with a big letdown. Back in 2010 when the grass was greener and the blues bluer i decided to stop ruining my eyes and start taking a part in the e-ink revolution. I choose the IREX DR1000S for obvious reasons. The size and the possibility...
  • Spectrum Analyser Code

  • SoftwareThe code can be downloaded from the project downloads page. But here it is:#include const static char ASCII[] PROGMEM = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 20 0x00, 0x00, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, // 21 ! 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, // 22 " 0x14, 0x7f,...
  • (edited) Transcript for Parallax HackChat

  • PARALLAX DOCUMENTATIONPARALLAX FORUMS______________________________________________________________This is launch control: T-10 minutes and counting! All chat participans are "GO!" for chat with Chip Gracey! :)))Carol Lynn Hazlett Am I here yet?Lutetium...
  • Being Cyborg Hack Chat Transcript

  • Jordan Bunker : Hey everyone! Today our chat will be hosted by @Lindy! Jordan Bunker : @Lindy, do you mind giving folks a quick introduction? Lindy : I am a technologist, educator and cyborg enthusiast. I'm a "whimsical...