
177 Results for "persistence of vision"

  • Arduino Nipkow disk clock

  • There is an old-fashioned type of Persistence-Of-View display called Nipkow disk display. I made a desk clock using that principle.
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  • Timeout and persistence

  • I have finally implemented the connection's persistence along with the timeout mechanism !I'm also including the basic features of the HTTaP protocol, which I test using telnet:The first request is the typical "GET /?" command, which returns the JSON-formatted...
  • Breadboard Persistence of Vision

  • See the POV project page at for all the detail.Once built, you can work with learners to design bitmap icons on graph paper, and display the icon on your POV circuit, learning binary along the way., as...
  • Squeezing in timezone persistence

  • For most of the last 9 months, I've successfully avoided unplugging this clock. It's something I've specifically avoided as every power cycle requires pulling the clock off the wall, holding the timezone button for 5 seconds and then remounting...
  • Coming soon... POV blinky

  • I was inspired by the Persistence Of Vision badge hacks at the Hackaday super-conference. So I made a board that re-arrranges the Tiny Blinky circuit as a sort of "propellor" of sorts. You screw the board to a dowel and twirl it between your palms and...
  • This idea vs Other POV displays

  • POV displays are usually made from a pcb that have multiple Leds on it and that is connected to the shaft of a motor that rotates 360 degrees. The challenging part of this is to pass power and control signals to the rotating PCB. This is usually done...
  • Blue POV

  • After I build my simple POV with 8 red  LEDs, I made this bigger one with 16 bright blue LEDs. With this POV (persistence of vision) patterns can be drawn into "the air".The LEDs are connected to PORT B of the PIC microcontrollers.The first LED...
  • March 31 2019 Project Status

  • All parts and PCB's have been ordered.  I'll be assembling boards soon.  I'd like to develop an open source web based interface for controlling LED strips, and I'm looking for contributors.  The web UI is for non-coders who want a higher...
  • Polarized

  • I've received a sample for the PDLC film I mentioned in my last post. While the film works well, I started having concerns about the circuitry and power requirements for a matrix based on this film. I think I'd have to build a significant amount of supporting...