
77 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • code-grey

  • Surfing the open-source wave with Java and C, sponsored by backend development XD
  • worsthorse

  • engineering has a lot of rules. for instance, "blowing things up is bad". hacking does not, so now i do that instead.
  • Atle Krogstad Berg

  • Ever curious, investigative and experimental. Thinking deep thoughts on what the future might bring. How can we help it along?
  • Tony Janus

  • 3D Printer, Electrical Engineer, Embedded Systems Designer, Photographer, 3D Modeler, Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Maker
  • jeff Jassky

  • CEO and founder of Reflx. Co-director of Fat Cat Fab Lab. Previously director of marketing with Tampa Hackerspace.