
71 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • Zerynth

  • Python for Microcontrollers and IoT: the first suite to develop Embedded applications and connected devices on any 32 bit MCU
  • Navin

  • Electronics enthusiast, knows a bit of coding, trying to learn designing, Linux user, KiCad beginner.
  • Jack Flynn

  • Literally a "Jack" of all trades. Design engineer by trade and general geek by nature. I've dabbled in a bit of everything.
  • Uzair Patel

  • I like electronics, engineering and combinations of both. I've learnt how to program in Python, HTML and a bit of JS.
  • Ahmad Hasan

  • a normal physicist that loves to poke and press every button out there just to see what it does. loves a bit of programming too!
  • John S

  • Software dev with business and manufacturing experience, specializing in knowing a little bit about a lot of different things.
  • Bailey

  • I am a musician and amateur tinkerer. I know a fair bit about software programming, but no hardware; I'm looking to learn.
  • 5VoltLogic

  • Tinkerer, serial project starter, idea finder, bit of a bull in a china shop.
  • Mark Dammer MM0DQM

  • Apart from my IT security work, horses, cats and music I do love Arduino, Amateur Radio, SDR and a bit of brassy Steampunk.