
104 Results for "stebus"

  • Prototyping

  • To avoid a lot of hand-wiring, I bought an 8-bit ISA bus board from eBay. This reduces the effort to interfacing an STEbus slave prototyping card to an 8-bit ISA bus connector. There is some TTL and a PAL16L8 doing some address decoding logic. The...
  • Clock stretching

  • There were no STEbus 6502 designs to reverse engineer so I've had to tackle this one from scratch. Essentially we need to make the synchronous 6502 look more like an asynchronous 68008. The STEbus data strobe signal (DATSTB*) is asserted (low) when all...
  • STEbus Z80 and FDC

  • One of the first boards, it aimed to provide a full CP/M development system. It was found that customers would develop programs on bigger machines, and wanted very simple Z80 boards for putting into control systems. I'm not sure where I want to go with...
  • STEbus Advanced Colour Graphics

  • The SG84 is a fast, high resolution colour graphics board. It contains an advanced display controller and a powerful graphics-optimised processor in a single chip, the Hitachi 63484 ACRTC.  The graphics processor uses hardware and microcode to perform...
  • Programmable logic

  • I've got a bit further analysing the equations than the files uploaded on the 13th March, but for some reason I am unable to upload files as of now.The 68008 board PAL chips provide good hints about the logic. The 68000 logic seems to be complicated...
  • Catalogue page

  • SVA,SVB These video controller boards provide a low-cost means of displaying video on STEbus systems. Two versions are available: the SVA which provides a 48-character × 16-line display, or the SVB which offers 80-character × 20-lines....
  • STEbus

  • Introduction In 1986, my first boss said "Designing your own computer is a mug's game. You spend ages designing it, even longer debugging it, and end up with a computer nobody else has. So then you have to write your own software, and that takes...
  • Project Log

  • I had a think, and note that most of the control signals are exactly the same as the Z80. So rather than invent a new board from scratch, I could simply wire the Z180 to the CPU socket of an existing Z80 board (like the SCPUB board), GND, VCC, D0-7,...
  • Martin Niec's backplane designs

  • In 2022, Martin Niec sent me some pictures of some STEbus backplanes he was making. These omit terminations, as he wanted them to be usable in other buses (so long as they share the same power and ground pins, which will exclude VMEbus P1  and ECB...
  • STEbus Z180 board

  • The Zilog ZS180 seems to be the last member of the 64180 family in active production.  For 33MHz clock max:3 clocks per memory cycle = 11  MHz cycle rate. 3 clocks per instruction = 11 MHz instruction rate (one opcode). 6 clocks per...
  • Power supply

  • I suspect the power supply in the enclosure might be flaky, so I am looking to try a different one. I have a rack mounting supply, from Vero Electronics, PK60A type 116-10018J. Rated 5V 6A, and +/-12V at 1A.  Needs a chunky DIN connector which I...
  • Catalogue entry

  • SVC The SVC video controller has all the features you need for high-speed text display. Its 80 x 25 format can use the 25th line as a non-scrolling status line, and attributes may be set for inverse video, reduced intensity and flashing, either on a...
  • Catalogue page

  • STMC The STMC uses an intelligent LSI controller which provides all the functions required to drive a stepper motor without intervention from the host computer. In addition, the STMC contains a 2 amp 4-phase driver IC with heatsink, to produce a complete...