
17838 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • Software V1 fully working

  • First version of the software is fully working on a Raspberry Pi with easy setup scripts and guide in the repo wiki: . More updates coming when the hardware has been received.
  • Coding the Remaining Communication Chain

  • With the custom message built to facilitate communication of data from the Raspberry Pi to the GCS, the remaining communication step was to build the code for communicating between the Raspberry Pi and the two Arduino Unos in the AUV. Thus, the DroneKit...
  • Relay instal

  • You will need 5 relays if you follow my exact installation. These are used to turn on the lights, amplifier, and Bluetooth. These connect to the raspberry pi as indicated in the previous step. 
  • Source Amplifier

  • I found this amplifier that had AUX input and bluetooth. This will allow me to play MP3s from the raspberry pi and switch over to streaming music from my phone if needed. It was the PFA330BT. 
  • Gertbot Motor Control

  • The Gertbot is a daughter board and I decided to use the Raspberry Pi 3 instead of the Raspberry Pi 2. I am using the Stretch image.  The UART port has been used to control the Bluetooth device. So the Gertbot will not work as a addon board. To...
  • I am back making the glasses

  • Hi. Let me explain why I havn't posted for over a month.The screen came, and I got it working with the Arduino very quickly. However, the problems came when I tried to get it working with the raspberry pi.After a few weeks of  finders that the drivers...
  • More Steps

  • Once this is done you can play around with other features of the Jetson, moving forward we will be adding a Raspberry Pi camera module to the Jetson and making some image recognition projects. Stay tuned to my channel for more!
  • Connections

  • The connections to the Raspberry Pi pins are as follows: 6 = Fan servo4 = Left shutter servo22 = Right shutter servo18 = Neopixel strip that consists of 29 LEDs that are split in two groups for letter M and letter Y
  • Release 0.37.0

  • This release adds a new uart module for the Raspberry Pi Pico for controlling both UART's in the RP2040, including being able to set the baud rate. It also fixes a bug in flush-console which was causing it to lock up the current task.
  • Patch-level release 0.37.1

  • This patch-level release fixes depth so it does not include the value at the bottom of the data stack (which is a garbage value) and .s so it does not print it, and on the Raspberry Pi Pico restores stack validation in the outer interpreter.
  • Patch-level release 0.46.1

  • This patch-level release adds a major optimization to compilation on the Raspberry Pi Pico, adds slave-receiver NACK support to the I2C layer, and fixes a major bug in loading Forth code from files in FAT32 filesystems where a final line not ending in...