
17838 Results for "raspberry pi"


  • M10CP02-01 (CPU BOARD)- Raspberry PI pin out with 40 pin connector as main interconnection between various M10CUBE modules- Raspberry Pico module- ESP01 For WiFi only- I2C Extender- SD card- CON Li BAT with charger + booster to 5V- CON PV for charging-...
  • Connecting the Power Supplies.

  • The KNX Raspberry Pi HAT and the Raspberry Pi itself need to be supplied separately. Both are functionally isolated from each other by the ISO7741. The HAT is supplied through the KNX bus. On the top left of the shield, there are two 1 mm terminal pins...
  • September 26, 2020

  • I received my new Raspberry Pi 4 B, and loaded up Raspberry Pi OS lite on it. I'm debating whether to just stay on this or try to do my own custom system again. Anyway, the main reason I got the 4, is so I could use Ardour on it. I prefer Ardour to LMMS...
  • Now Supports CircuitPython!

  • This humble tally light project has now broken into three! Now that we support both CircuitPython and the ESP32-S2 as well as the Raspberry Pi platform, the project now has three parts:TallyOBS, the OBS script which can talk to both the ESP32-S2...
  • Summary

  • We have shown how to make IOT projects with Raspberry Pi Pico and integrate to a huge ecosystem of software and internet services by using the Cricket WiFi module. We demonstrated the integration with Blynk but the same...
  • SleePi

  • How does SleePi work? SleePi determines the position of the eyes and uses the Eye Aspect Ratio (EAR) to determine when the eyes are closed (or more squinted than usual). When the system detects that the user is sleepy, it starts playing a loud alarm...
  • LumiCube

  • My friend Sean and I spent the last year creating an interactive LED cube kit for the Raspberry Pi. It is covered in 192 individually programmable LEDs and packed with electronics, from a microphone and speaker, to a hand gesture sensor and orientation...
  • Ordering possible now

  • The Canique Climat Set can be ordered now: Order Canique ClimatOrder Radio Hat for Raspberry PiOrder Canique Gateway The Radio Hat for Raspberry Pi is a cheaper alternative to the gateway. If you already own a Raspberry Pi, it is be a better fit. So...
  • Set up the wiring for the lights

  • Get your lights. They should come with the lights and a separate JST connector. We won’t be using the JST connector that comes with the lights. The wires are braided and are not ideal for a breadboard. Connect three MM jumper wires directly into...
  • New Tutorial available

  • I wrote an easy to follow tutorial on how to setup your own Thread Border Router using an nRF52840 USB Dongle and a Raspberry Pi 4 to connect the Thread Sensor Tag to it using the commission feature of Thread.You can find the Instructables here:
  • The Controller (aka Remote)

  • I mentioned elsewhere that I will be using the Raspberry Pi in order to remotely control the device. I have a "pi hat" I designed for my previous project (it has a MAX485, a cooling fan and nRF24L01 receptable/pinheader). Of all this I will be using...