
12 Results for "raspberry"

  • Roomba 537 SLAM

  • I found a Roomba in an e-waste bin and decided to give it the gift of SLAM
    • 5
    • 7
  • Sparki SLAM

  • An implementation of a Simultaneous Location and Mapping algorithm for the Sparki robot to be used in middle or high school robotics classes
    • 3.8k
    • 21
  • Phoebe TurtleBot

  • DIY variant of ROS TurtleBot for <$250 capable of simultaneous location and mapping (slam)< body></$250>
    • 60
    • 42
  • OMNi

  • A modular, semi-autonomous, omnidirectional robot for telepresent applications
    • 18
    • 14