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  • Important up-front notes.

  • THIS MATTERS. DON'T SKIP IT. Many project assembly instructions are written for a generic audience and include step-by-step component ordering. If you've done enough projects, you probably have your own routine for placing things, and you probably don't...
  • Plug in your GPS and make sure it's working

  • In the previous step you installed GPSD, the standard Linux daemon for interfacing with GPS hardware.  Now we need to make sure it's working.First, plug in your USB GPS.  Nothing visible will happen on the screen, but if you examine the last...
  • Upload the code

  • I like to keep all my projects in their own folders. If you haven't already, I highly suggest creating a folder in your home directory called workspace. Inside that folder, I have a folder dedicated to all my ESP8266 stuff named, aptly, esp8266. Then,...
  • Music Visualizer

  • After the board was programmed into a translator, I wanted to fancy it up with some LED responses. Imagine reading Grace in the college hall while the gown lights up in Caius blue.  I wanted to integrate the music visualizing response be connecting...
  • ESP8266 Code

  • At this point the gadget is almost finished! Download the Arduino code and open it on the Arduino IDE. The following parameters will have to be updated: WIFI_SSID: enter your Wi-Fi router SSID here WIFI_PASS: enter your Wi-Fi network password here IO_USERNAME:...
  • CortanaRoom home automation

  • Step 5: You are done! Here are some tips!Now you are done! If everything went correctly you now have a room controlled with an arduino! Here are some ideas about how to extend cortana rooms functionality!Remote room controlSometimes forgot to turn off...
  • Using the PWM library with the SDK

  • The SDK does come with a PWM library, which is great. This makes our task much easier. Using it is a bit convoluted, but it's nothing we can't tackle. We are going to use the same approach as in Part 1: create a function which will be called by an automatic...
  • Imaging

  • Imaging A few issues presented themselves with respect to imaging. Monochromatic sensor First, a monochromatic sensor was not available for experiments.  To keep the resolution high enough at the sensor, all pixels were color gain balanced to operate...
  • Step 2

  • My initial plan is to integrate LoRa and TTN, but I don't have a LoRaWAN or Helium gateway, so I just make a plan to use a Wi-Fi or Cellular IoT. Then I moved with cellular to get this work done. In this project I have used Blues Wireless notecard which...
  • Software Considerations

  • Software I started this project using Visual Studio Code for editing and the Arduino IDE 1.8 for compilation & upload (by declaring "Outside Editor" in the Arduino IDE's preferences). Now the Arduino IDE 2 makes this unnecessary (and it...
  • Assembly PCB THT Parts and Internal Wirings

  • Well done, if you've successfully reached this part. You are almost there! There are just few more soldering steps left. In short here are the few more things you have to manage: Solder the key-switches. Solder the JoysticksMount and solder the...
  • rDUINOScope Boiana

  • STEP 1 PreparationBefore we start, it is important that you understand how the software works in order to be able to make changes and customize it for you. After all this is one of the most significant strengths of this project!To understand this part...
  • The Spinning Spectrometer

  • Arduino Code// Arduino code for THE SPINNING SPECTROMETER // // This code is released under the beerware license: As long as you // retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we // meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth...