
154 Results for "역삼유흥★010=4648=0930 ω최저가ωdown금나라실장℈shampoo강남프린스℈objet강남테란℈real강남란제리클럽℈civa강남살아있내℈kona강남지중해"

  • The code

  • I will try to comment the code used for the sensor-box, this is the latest version consider that there's 6 version. The weirdest problem i've encountered is the heap fragmentation, as a self learning guy, I've wildly used Strings (especially in a past...
  • Control Sub-System

  • I have drawn initial schematics for this sub-system, but have not started wiring it up.Here are design notes that help understand the schematics.Clock: At the heart of the Clock module is a 4 MHz crystal that is divided into four non-overlapping...
  • Proof of concept - CDP1802 compatible CPU

  • Before digging into the implementation which can be found here, why 1802? A very original CPU design, quite different from other processors of the eraWhile a distant third in the 70/80ies hobby computing boom, it was popular and still has dedicated fans...