
53 Results for "3D printing"

  • Alan Solidum

  • Software/Data Engineer | Former Startup Co-Founder | Maker | DIYer | Interested in surfing, photography and 3D printing
  • Martin Korinek

  • Embedded developer, 3D printing enthusiast, photographer, automotive test automation engineer and test manager
  • Georgia Stauropoulou

  • I've studied architecture and very recently I discovered my passion for nuts, bolts and 3d Printing. #teamRosalind
  • Frederik De Kegel

  • Object Pascal, Java, Swift, Mirth, ... Hobby's: Photographer - Pianist (all amateur) 3D-design, both printing and virtual worlds
  • rd_redford

  • Retired from a career in the computer and networking industries. Half my career was in engineering, the other half in marketing.
  • Fabian Butkovich

  • I'm an versatile engineer who enjoys using my skills to support my other hobbies of astrophotography and 3D printing.