
323 Results for "IoT"

  • Setting up IoT Central

  • Now that everything is connected. We need to set up IoT Central. There are a few prerequisites before we can get started. Create a Microsoft account if you do not have one Create a free Azure account if you do not have one Ok, let’s get going. Go to...
  • Configure AWS IoT core

  • For this step first you need AWS account and need to sign in to the AWS Console your account. Image: Sign in to Console If you don't have account then click on create new account otherwise sign in. Image: Sign...
  • What is AWS IoT Cloud?

  • The AWS IoT is a cloud platform ☁ that provides services and solutions to connect and manage billions of devices. Since it is a part of Amazon Web Services, we can pipeline it with other products and services which will open more possibilities - Collect,...
  • Set up AWS IoT Rules

  • Set up a total of 4 Rules for 4 CO2 monitors so that they send measured CO2 levels to AWS IoT Events, AWS IoT SiteWise, and Amazon DynamoDB. Use the AWS CLI and rule.json to create rules. Make sure you change the topic name, the input name, the property...
  • Create an AWS IoT policy

  • X.509 certificates are used to authenticate your device with AWS IoT Core. AWS IoT policies are attached to the certificate that authenticates the device to determine the AWS IoT operations, such as subscribing or publishing to MQTT topics that the device...
  • Create your AWS IoT Thing

  • After create your AWS account you must login your AWS management console. At the top, click Services and scroll down until you see Internet of Things on the right hand side. Click on IoT Core. On the left side, click Manage, and then click Create button....
  • Program the Rapid IoT Kit

  • The code and firmware that used for this projects are attached below. To reserve power I turn off the backlight and only send the data I need for the project. If you want clone the project just import the.atmo files attached below
  • Monitor Data on IoT Core

  • After hardware configuration, it is necessary to know where to view this data, and how it can be used for a specific purpose. Let us know how to view the data - Open Things > Select your Thing. Choose and open Device shadow > under MQTT Topics select...