
56 Results for "MPPT"

  • 555 MPP solar charger

  • Some design goals: Use a 555 central to the design, with minimal additional circuitry.Keep it simple.  A real-life implementation should add under voltage lockout for the load and over and under-temperature lockout for charging, but adding these...
  • DC-DC Solar EV Charger

  • Installing a moderately sized solar array on a vehicle’s roof can collect enough energy to drive 5 to 10 miles a day. When compared to the 37 miles a day that the average American drives, it may seem insignificant. Everyone wants to say the glass is...
  • EnviroSense

  • EnviroSense is an energy-harvesting, environmental monitoring system designed to gather and analyze data from various sensors in real-time. It consists of three key layers: the Embedded Layer, the Gateway Layer, and the Cloud Layer.  Embedded Layer:The...
  • Scooterbine: The Next Chapter

  • Overview Hey, thanks for checking out my project! As I said in the description, this project aims to develop a low cost method of recycling electric scooter motors into a small scale home energy generation system.  This section will provide a brief...
  • DIY Power for all - OwnTech

  • BIG GOAL ! What if us, makers could access a true tool to electrify the world ? For Automation, mobility, power, energy storage and much more ? What if we could gather as a whole to stand for a more sustainable electric based future built with a generic...
  • JUICEROO - Off-Grid EV charger

  • DISCLAIMER USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This guide assumes that you are qualified to work with AC and DC systems. Always be save, follow the appropriate standards and consult an electrician before commissioning. I do not take responsibility for any harm or...