
4 Results for "W25Q64"

  • Running on Off-the-Shelf Card(s)

  • Also, got the code running on the the QMTECH EP4CE15 FPGA "Starter Kit". Details here. Specifications On-Board FPGA: EP4CE15F23C8N;On-Board FPGA external crystal frequency: 50MHz;EP4CE15F has rich RAM resource;EP4CE15F has 15K logic cells;On-Board Winbond...
  • FPGA works well

  • Last night I've done NAND ctrl util. In Quartus 18.0 i generated empty project with simple top level: After synthesis I made an RPD file (raw data program)(btw, u can do that using console as well)#!/bin/bash Q=/opt/intelFPGA/18.0/quartus/bin/quartus_cpf...
  • FTDI 2232H Breakout For Hardware Hacking

  • Introduction One of the functions we were most excited about including in this year's badge was an FTDI 2232H with breakout such that it could be used as a hardware hacking tool. Hack the other badges, IoT devices, embedded systems of your choice......