• How to make a Minecraft circle with commands?

    06/13/2023 at 05:12 0 comments

    To create a perfect circle in Minecraft using commands, you can utilize the "/fill" command along with some mathematical calculations. Here's a step-by-step guide:

    1. Determine the center point of your circle. Let's say the coordinates are (x, y, z).
    2. Decide on the radius of your circle. Let's assume the radius is "r" blocks.
    3. Calculate the diameter of the circle using the formula: diameter = 2 * r.
    4. Begin by clearing the area where you want to create the circle. You can use the "/fill" command with air blocks to remove any existing blocks. For example, to clear a square region from (x-r, y, z-r) to (x+r, y+1, z+r), use the command:
      arduinoCopy code
      /fill x-r y z-r x+r y+1 z+r minecraft:air
    5. Now, iterate through each block within a square bounding box that encompasses the circle. You can use a nested loop to iterate through the x and z coordinates. Let's call the current block's coordinates (i, j).
    6. For each (i, j) coordinate, calculate the distance from the center of the circle using the formula: distance = sqrt((i - x)^2 + (j - z)^2)
    7. If the distance is less than or equal to the radius, set the block at (i, y, j) to your desired block type. You can use the "/setblock" command for this. For example, to set a block of stone at the current coordinate, use the command:
      bashCopy code
      /setblock i y j minecraft:stone
    8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all (i, j) coordinates within the square bounding box.

    By following these steps, you should be able to create a circle in Minecraft using commands. Adjust the center coordinates, radius, and block type to fit your specific requirements.