
Tyler Sisk

Hey my name is Tyler. I like build things that I find useful or interesting.

Atlanta, Georgia
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This user joined on 12/02/2014.

Things I've Built

Lego Guns

In middle and high school I loved to build weapons from legos. Most of these creations can be found on my legogunguy001 channel on youtube.


During middle and high school I had a big passion for creating fireworks from raw chemicals. My proudest creation was a 3-inch ball shell for some other kid's birthday party.

Hydrogen (HHO) torch

This device I built for a science fair project where using electrolysis create enough hydroxy gas to power a torch. I built a power supply which would supply around 40 amps at 12 volts to an electrolytic cell that I also built.

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onendagus wrote 04/12/2015 at 00:26 point

Hi Tyler - I am here in Atlanta and would like to get together with you and discuss your tACS project..... are you available this coming week? maybe we could meet at the Varsity or something

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