
Caption CERN Contest Week 11

A contest log for Caption CERN Contest

Caption CERN, win a prize!

adam-fabioAdam Fabio 04/16/2015 at 05:2952 Comments

Week 11: 4/15/2015 - 9pm PDT 4/22/2015

We've got something a bit different this week: Two images from CERN's archives! Both of these images feature a lovely PDP-11 from Digital Equipment in Galway, Ireland. They also feature two CERN researchers. The scientist on the left is wearing typical hacker attire - sneakers, jeans, and a comfy shirt. The hacker on the right went for something which we're guessing was a bit more stylish back in 1982, but hasn't quite held up to the test of time.

These scientists must have been doing some heavy duty number crunching to need a PDP-11. Do you know what that strange hand wired rack of equipment is in the center? Do you have any idea where we can find a pair of harem pants like the woman on the left? Write a caption and let us know!

Link to the original left CERN image, and original right CERN image.

Add your humorous caption as a comment to this project log. Make sure you're commenting on this project log, not on the project itself.

As always, if you actually have information about the image or the people in it, let CERN know on the original image discussion page.

Good Luck!


m wrote 04/17/2015 at 17:12 point

Successful test to demonstrate that, unlike some, this computer doesn't crash when you take a picture of it.

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m wrote 04/17/2015 at 17:11 point

Erin no bra!

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m wrote 04/17/2015 at 17:11 point

"The second run confirms it: the answer IS 42"

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Josh Blevins wrote 04/17/2015 at 15:46 point

Screen capture from the original Oculus Rift circa 1980 running a "find the difference" game.  Side effects reportedly included headaches, motion sickness, vertigo, sexual frustrations, and ibs. 

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schaffer970 wrote 04/17/2015 at 14:46 point

After three hours and twenty seven minutes I finally have my biorhythms calculated for the next month!  The 168E sure helped out.

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Son Ofsid wrote 04/17/2015 at 14:40 point

Shhhh. Tell you dad it a seciterial course or you will be off to beauty school.

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Josephmichaelbuli wrote 04/17/2015 at 14:28 point

See how the ultra-modern kitchen transforms an ordinary housewife into the housewife of the future

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stripeytype wrote 04/17/2015 at 14:11 point

While not as terrifying as what happened to Jeff Goldblum in 'The Fly', this teleportation device never really seemed to work correctly.

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The Green Gentleman wrote 04/17/2015 at 14:10 point

With each passing day at work, Michael's feeling of discomfort grew.  He was reminded of that time, as a child, when he was grocery shopping with his mother.  He had stopped for a moment to inspect a box of Frankenberry cereal; then without looking, he reached up to grab his mother's hand. There was something in that hand's response, or feel, that made him realize his mistake, and it was only to confirm what he already knew that he looked up into the startled face of a stranger.  Now he had that feeling all of the time.  There was something so very disconcerting about life at CERN.  The other doctors looked like his colleagues back at OSU, same rumpled flannel, same dated, business-casual wear, but there was a strange intentionality to what they wore, a malign sense of irony that rendered commonplace things so disquietingly ... European ... and made him long for his days at Oak Ridge.

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The Green Gentleman wrote 04/21/2015 at 18:14 point

I think my meme-work needs work.  I just pasted all of this text onto a copy of the picture, and it's freakin' awesome.  Also, slightly not the point.  I'm going to make it my new avatar!

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Matthew Hoskins wrote 04/17/2015 at 13:52 point

"I know this PDP was expensive, but do we all REALLY need to take a photo with it?  I have like serious science to do!"

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THX1082 wrote 04/17/2015 at 13:43 point

Although Dr. Vogue had a medical degree in fashion (from France!), it was his free spirited personal assistant Caroline that Cave Johnson chose as his successor. Largely due to Caroline's brain being "simpler" to transfer to binary.

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XLT_Frank wrote 04/17/2015 at 13:08 point

These ladies were essential to proper operation at CERN because unlike the men, they read the manuals.

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MechaTweak wrote 04/17/2015 at 12:13 point

Eventually Santa had to mothball the REQUEST-O-MATIC project.  The appearance scared the children, and the lack of a lap made the mall photos awkward.

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Rollyn01 wrote 04/17/2015 at 11:51 point

CERN scientists created a machine with the computing power to make a nerdy girl sexy except a bug has it stuck in Victorian Error mode.

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Lothar wrote 04/17/2015 at 11:49 point

Twenty years and millions of dollars later and we STILL can't figure out how to make this thing cook a pizza correctly...

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timlash wrote 04/17/2015 at 11:40 point

The ladies loooove the 168E!  The "E" stands for "Extra Ladies".

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surubarescu wrote 04/17/2015 at 10:32 point

Behold the ultimate holographic cloak designed to look like a large file. You can download wirelessly (here printed) the desired attire from your personal computer (here a PDP-11 just to show off the large compatibility list of our device). 

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mathew.stevens wrote 04/17/2015 at 07:52 point

They all laughed at Jane when she said she was going to mine bitcoin with her 168 E. Now they fear the click of her Prada boots and Versace wardrobe.  

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Astearon wrote 04/17/2015 at 07:38 point

Two generations later and still no one was able to move Gravitron 168 E from it's initial delivery drop-off.

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davidkeis wrote 04/17/2015 at 06:49 point

Ingrid and Anna are showing off the early prototypes of personal companions. "I used to feel so lonely, but now I have [ERIP] to hold and love me", Ingrid says.
ERIP: Easy Real Imaginary Person

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