• Best Way to build a chatbot in Python

    08/16/2020 at 23:54 0 comments

    Hi Dev mates, today, I will show a cool python project that you are gonna like & love to do it yourself. So, let us not wait as Today we are going to make a python GUI Chatbot.

    But how to make a Chatbot?
    So, let’s move forward & straight on how to make a chatbot easily.


    • A laptop or Pc where Python latest version can be installed.
    • A good & fast Code Editor or Ide like Visual Studio Code or Atom.
    • A notebook where you can write important points.
    • Lastly, your focus.

    Python Packages/Library Needed:

    • pip install nltk 
    • pip3 install ChatterBot 
    • pip install pyttsx3 
    • pip install SpeechRecognition 


    • The first step is to make a folder name chatbot & drag it to your code editor for opening it.
    • The second step is to make a file called main.py[Your chatbot codes] & chat.txt[For storing your chatbot command which you will imply to your chatbot]
    • After that, go to your terminal & install your pip extension/package as per the list provided below.
    1. pip install nltk
    2. pip3 install ChatterBot
    3. pip install pyttsx3
    4. pip install SpeechRecognition
    • Fourthly, Copy the codes after reading the quotation given in the codes accordingly. I have given it in the downsides & lastly paste it.
    • Lastly, run it by tapping python main.py & your chatbot is created.

    Source Code & Resources at How to build a Gui chatbot in python