Hack Chat Transcript, Part 4
04/03/2019 at 20:08 • 0 commentsHi all - we'll get started in just a minute. Quite a turnout so far..
@jkshaffstall there is unicode support, we just got a Chinese translation
@jkshaffstall UTF-8 should work
we're still fixing trickier issues with it though
yay python3 unicode! more bytes() but its worth it
(though the Chinese translation uses pinyin)
Thanks to you too @Kattni and all the CP member for giving me a shot at it
Oh, right, Unicode, forgot, way cool guys... And yes, it is worth it. Old geezer here. That's why reference to ASCII...
you can use ascii if ya like :) check the german translation has plenty-o nonascii chars
but really, when is CircuitPerl going to happen?
In transmitting, code and data are irrelevant.
are you planning to have another Hack Chat in the future?
If you want to see what it's like to add translation strings, check out the Pirate translation!
(running on microcontrollers more powerful than the supercomputers it ran on originally)
Good choice Scott...:)
python is not toooo different than perl :) i think the additions of python make it the best choice. i really love perl but writin' is on the wall
@deshipu LOL
@deshipu well, if you're going with CircuitCOBAL let's not forget CircuitFORTRAN
If Perl is the past and Python is the present, any thoughts on the future?
CircuitScheme !
Or CircuitBasic….
@limor haha yeah I only do Perl one-liners nowadays. I'm kinda sad for Perl
there's already circuitscheme, golang, rust for the samd
there is Forth, several lisps, lua and javascript
Overview | CircuitScheme - Lisp on CircuitPython | Adafruit Learning System
These provide a description of Lispy and a good introduction to the techniques and considerations of implementing another programming language in Python. This guide will not replicate the content of those papers. You may read them, then come back and see how we can use this in CircuitPython.
Pascal ? :)
note 6.001 ditched scheme for python
I was following along but hadn't clicked "join"
so that's that for me - i have to go where sussman says
or ADA ? :))
@WRR I think python is the future as well
@euchcat there have to be some limits
tinygo for circuit playground - https://tinygo.org/
Is there a future for C++ ???
python is the #1 growing language, used by kids, students, biologists, mathematicians...everyone
We've got about five minutes left. I've got the winners of the giveaway...
yayyy freee!
ooh ooh....did i win did i win????
give aways?
@jkshaffstall languages don't die, there are still COBOL programmers hiding in the basements of swiss banks
Congratulations to:
Please contact pt@adafruit.com to make arrangements. Thanks to Adafruit for the prizes, and for the great Hack Chat.
Congrats all!
you each one a year of adafruit.io
congrats folks!
congrats to the winners (and the rest of us too)
A basement? hmmm, just like me....
Congrats to the winners!
we're allwinners here
there's lot of really good information in this chat thread... would all these info be available for later view..?
C is more predictable than C++
nice, what did I win?
arf !
we still support C++/Arduino for our drivers, and CircuitPython is written in C
@delatorrecohen there is a text log here and we'll post the video in the log too
@delatorrecohen usually there are transcripts saved on the event's page
Are there still people using UCSD Pascal?
Yes, I'm doing the transcript this afternoon
Thanks everyone from Adafruit for stopping by
The transcript will be at https://hackaday.io/event/164062-python-and-the-internet-of-things-hack-chat
Yah - thank you very much Adafruit and friends!
Thank you @Dan Maloney :-)
thanks all!
Huge thanks to the Adafruit folks for all the hard work on improving embedded development's approachability! This was really interesting
You're welcome!
UCSD Pascal was my first language that was higher level that assembly (no, I don't count Basic)
Thanks to everyone for being here!
Thank you Adafruit guys :-)
Pascal was the Python of the 90's. Didn't go anywhere though....
thanks folks, and you're welcome!
dave - Me too
Limor: correct
255 character strings
@euchcat Ada works fine on the STM32 series microcontrollers
Thanks everyone
we use python as the lengua franca for our physics curriculum so we appreciate having a micro-controller that lets our students use the same structure
cool !
Thanks so much, this was a ton of fun!
@Martin Hoecker-Martinez Excellent!
thanks for the awesome hack chat. It is so worth it for not sleeping tonight since it is 3 AM here
there is actually jupyter support for micropython!
thanks for staying up @Hendra Kusumah !
Overview | CircuitPython with Jupyter Notebooks | Adafruit Learning System
In this learn guide, we're going to walk through installing Jupyter Notebook, installing the Jupyter CircuitPython kernel, and uploading Jupyter Notebook examples.
thanks for making it @Hendra Kusumah and thank you for the translation!
This was a lot of fun following along.
We're at the one hour mark, so this is the official end of the Hack Chat. Thanks a lot to everyone at Adafruit for coming along and chatting with us - great stuff today. And don't forget that next week we'll be talking about Fusion 360 with Matt Berggren from Autodesk - https://hackaday.io/event/164374-autodesk-fusion-360-hack-chat
This is a much more interactive chat than I'm use too. Great job.
One of the fastest chats I've seen in a while. Thanks everyone!
your welcome @tannewt and @Dan Halbert . Keep being awesome
ok, thanks everyone!
Thank you everyone!
Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3
04/03/2019 at 20:07 • 0 commentshttps://github.com/mithro/valentyusb
USB Full-Speed core written in migen/LiteX. Contribute to mithro/valentyusb development by creating an account on GitHub.
too bad there isn't a "BLE mass storage" class
@Dan Halbert great. Thanks for all the answer
FYI everyone, Adafruit is kindly giving away one-year Adafruit.io passes to five random Hack Chat attendees. I'll do the drawing for that in about 15 minutes, so stay logged on for that.
@deshipu hmmm.. that doesn't make sense for iot devices. Don't we have to "python family" choices for a microcontroller? CP or mp.
artix might be too expensive, probably $70+ starting prices
CircuitPython is great for learning about physical computing and doing maker projects; it is not our objective to be an OEM programming language, but we're happy when it happnes
@todbot agreed. I want to add file transfer later in the year for that reason
@tannewt sort of like rshell for CP?
@todbot "BLE mass storage" we want to provide a BLE-based workflow so you can program a CircuitPython board via BLE on a tablet or phone.
@happyday.mjohnson I dont' think there is any particular curriculum or development plan yet, but thanks for bringing it up, it's probably a good thing to think about
Just join chat.
the latest io updates are here: https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/04/02/adafruit-iot-monthly-april-2019-adafruitio-iot-adafruitio/
@Dan Halbert thank you. it really helps me to understand the vision. That does mean there is a spot of chasm between CP and "iot product ship." But how beautiful to learn with!
@Dan Halbert elementary teacher question here: Is circuit Python a fork of MicroPython?
it is
@Dan Smith Yes
here's another good link - FAQ for circuitpython https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/frequently-asked-questions
the base language is the same; we have different native I/O libraries; we are a "friendly" fork
here is the IoT project that works with the hackchat api, when you click like you can see the skulls go up - https://hackaday.io/project/163309-circuitpython-hackaday-portal-pyportal
for IoT projects, its super fast to get started and design your project
Is there a book(s) you recommend for learning more with CircuitPython & also MicroPython?
I got a send and receive socket working in Python the other night using the socket library. Are you going to port that library?
@limor awesome. More about convincing the parents, you're a hero to the students :)
@JustTheDazz mike b had "Getting Started with Circuit Playground express..."
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920056515.do <-- Programming with MicroPython by Nicholas Tollervey
Is there anything to share about the airlift devices mentioned in one of the recent CP emails?
jk, we have socket support for the ESP32 coproc working that's how we implemented requests
A curated list of awesome CircuitPython guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources. - adafruit/awesome-circuitpython
A curated list of awesome CircuitPython guides, videos, libraries, frameworks, software and resources. - adafruit/awesome-circuitpython
ESP32 as wifi with SPI interface. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ESP32SPI development by creating an account on GitHub.
(that book also covers CircuitPython)
thats's socket ^
Right, thanks, I had my Huzzah sending out pages. Worked great.
ESP32 as wifi with SPI interface. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ESP32SPI development by creating an account on GitHub.
@limor the challenge i have with designing iot w/ CP is i typically have many devices hooked up to a battery (power drain)...and best way to connect to wifi - e.g.: there was the esp826 but support is being dropped. There is RFM95, but Things Gateways are limited...?
that' how to use sockets ^
happy, circuitpython isn't optimized for battery usage yet. you can plug into the wall, or wait till we have more lower mode supported.
stabiity and functionality are our priorities - then we'll be able to optimize :)
@happyday.mjohnson We're simply not there yet. :)
Free stuff??? Oh goody...
@limor thank you. There are so many things CP does very well.
Our priority with CircuitPython is that first 5 minute experience.
@Kattni - thank you for all your kindness and help.
CircuitPython is already so good. I can't believe all the progress that's been made in such a short time
@kattni - first 5 minute experience - makes sense...but iot comes in about about after 10 minutes?
thanks tod!
is asyncio in circuitpython?
not yet, there has been some discussion about it
@David not yet -- scroll up for some async discussion early in the chat
That's one of the things about CircuitPython I love, you don't have to be one a PC to use/program, cellphone or tablets work just fine
there are coroutines, but no async io support yet
also a lot of the things that are 'async' we sorta do with DMA. like audio playback
I find that breakout boards from adafruit provides me with a lot of access to things
that give me t he data I need and CP allows me to make use of them quickly.
displayio is also async using dma
filesys is DMA async
@happyday.mjohnson The "first five minute experience" we're referring to is the initial experience you have plugging in your new board and beginning with programming it etc. It's not necessarily a literal 5 minutes :) We want you to pick it up, get started with it, and want to stick with it because your initial experience was so positive.
Hi. new here
Earlier someone mentioned integration with vs code. Is this currently possible?
another exciting thing is all the translations we're doing
Any guides for teachers on how to use Circuit Playground in a classroom? I'm helping a few schools set up maker spaces, and I can teach them how to program them, but it'd be nice to have some instructional resources to point them at.
Do y'all have any thoughts on best practices for providing universal APIs for I/O-type stuff across chips with all kinds of different peripheral layouts?
@Kattni - yah...i know it's not literal...i was just jumping in on your timeline...and doing a bad job at it too.
Hi @usman2000
we're also making sure there are languages / localizations too, you can see what we have here: https://circuitpython.org/downloads
@rmuller325 It's possible to use VS Code with CircuitPython. I haven't done it, but we have many people who do.
@happyday.mjohnson No worries :)
@Bailey Steinfadt check out learn.adafruit.com for the guides ...
Using Circuit Playground Express, MakeCode and CircuitPython on a Chromebook
A chromebook works just as well as oth
@WRR you might want to check the issues on the circuitpython repository -- there is a lot of discussion for implementing things in there
Overview | Using Circuit Playground Express, MakeCode and CircuitPython on a Chromebook | Adafruit Learning System
Chromebooks run a small operating system called Chrome OS. A Chromebook uses Google applications for web browsing in Chrome, word processing, spreadsheets and other basic applications via cloud-based Google services. Chromebooks can also download applications via the Chrome Web Store and the Google Play store.
What is the future of WINC1500 in CircuitPython?
@kattni i've done it by running ampy w/in a terminal w/in VS Code.... but that's not really integrated. i wonder what other folks are doing.
Aweome, thanks!
are there any plans to be able to program any of these devices over wifi that run on CircuitPython/MicroPython?
matt, no future, the ESP32 is cheaper, and easier to support, more and better TLS support
@happyday.mjohnson Agreed, I understand the integration you're looking for is Mu level. Hopefully it's something that happens in the future.
@JustTheDazz I think there was some discussion about programming them over bluetooth
@deshipu that would be great as well :)
for IDEs, check out mu - https://madewith.mu/mu/users/2019/03/25/alpha1.html
@WRR I recommend designing the API around behavior you need rather than the peripherals you may have.
@justthatdazz there's no webrepl but there's no reason you can't download a python file over wifi and execute it - woo code/data is the same thing :D
@limor about the translation. It is one of the great things CP has, I already introduce it to my students using the translation I've worked on and they understand it quite easily. Sorry I haven't update the translation recently
So start from the outside in with examples to demonstrate what you want to do
@Hendra Kusumah Thank you for contributing it! We understand that life happens :)
it also avoids the trap of adding features for features-sake
As long as it's all ASCII, correct?
@tannewt Thanks - sounds a lot like the Lotus model, 'simplify and add lightness' :)
@limor good point!!
Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2
04/03/2019 at 20:05 • 0 commentswe haven't seen any awesome mqtt lib's yet but if you do let us know
@chris - i was able to access adafruit.io from a generic mqtt library from my flutter app.
@happyday.mjohnson for sure, but there are always a lot of things that would be nice to add as well — I'm sure there will be sleep support eventually
@tannewt wrt micropython native code in mpy, are you referring to this PR? https://github.com/micropython/micropython/pull/4588
happy, we haen't implemented it yet - if you'd like to help out check out the issue and you can try implementing it!
@happyday.mjohnson the answer is not "no", but "not yet"
right now our focus is getting 4.0 out to release candidate :)
@todbot yup!
@deshipu of course - btw, thank you for all the incredible work you have done both on micropython and cp.
@happyday.mjohnson thanks :)
@Dan Halbert thank you. i was just curious given this discussion is about iot, cp doesn't do much for battery life.
Does anyone know of any actually released products that use CircuitPython or MicroPython? Can it translate reasonably well from prototyping to production?
I have implemented MQTT in Visuino, and it is open source
@WRR check out the http://circuitpython.org for a list
is the CP support for the NRF52 based board like particle xenon already mature enough?
yeah there's the TI calculator add on that supprots circuitpython
also - i love the simplicity of Adafruit.io versus offerings from say google.
the TI-83 Premium
TI calc ships with CircuitPython - https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/03/31/use-circuitpython-boards-on-the-ti-83-premium-ce-calculator-tiplanetnews-ticalculators-circuitpython-circuitpython/
has anyone tried the sipeed Maix modules?
Wow, that's cool! Wish I'd had that in my math classes...
OpenMV ?
mitov / Visuino libraries / source / - Bitbucket
Added "Array Insert Items", and "Array Replace Items At Index" components
@Hendra Kusumah we have simple BLE peripheral support working and are working on more; we aren't supporting the particle.io cloud stuff specifically; we have our own Feather nRF52840 board
Are there any good Bluetooth support libraries for the ESP32?
@boian has to be in python :)
I have also added Bluetooth support for ESP32 in the Visuino libraries :-)
@David I haven't but I've seen some folks on the MicroPython forum I think
for micropython, products: casio calc, numworks calc as far as shipping products
Sorry, Python is just not my cup of tee :-D
@Cesos I think BLE support for ESP32 is early days even for Arduino, etc.
@tannewt thanks for the tip.
boian, all good - this hackchat is about python on hardware :D
is there any thought of a debugger for CP?
Im interested in edge AI. Will circuit python support Tensorflow?
Microcontrollers | TensorFlow Lite | TensorFlow
TensorFlow Lite for mobile and embedded devices
@Dan Halbert thanks for the answer, I don't mind not using the particle cloud service. What Important is the BLE support on CP
@happyday.mjohnson there has been some work on adding debugging support to it
@happyday.mjohnson but I think the person who worked on it paused now
@deshipu what level/type of support?
@David with BLINKA on linux, yep
@david you can run circuitpython libraries within python3 so just add tensorflow next to it. you'll want a fasssst board like the coral
np :-) Just answering the MQTT and BLE questions, in case it helps :-) People can take a look at my code and port to Python if they want :-)
@Dan Halbert Thank you, Dan. It is indeed. Bluetooth remains the only piece missing in a couple of my projects :)
@happyday.mjohnson basically the "pdb" kind
Also, I'm enamored with VS Code. I realize Mu is awesome, but is there anything around integrating the CP toolchain w/ VS Code?
Ooo it'd be neat to see CircuitPython on the new SparkFun Edge board with the Apollo 3 chip that runs TensorFlow
@deshipu thank you. pdb makes sense.
a tensorflow co-processor would be a great addition. but most tensorflow chips are not very port-friendly (no USB)
@happyday.mjohnson implementing pep-0553
@Hendra Kusumah check out https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/shared-bindings/bleio/__init__.html for an entry into the low-level library. Also see https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE and https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BluefruitConnect
@deshipu - thank you. i'll look up pep-0553.
do you know of commercial products using circuit python? besides development boards
I'd be interested in seeing circuitpython for ARM on xilinx fpga
then we could make our own peripherals on fabric, and Pynq them in to micropython
ice40 has a tinyusb port working on it, so that could be a target. if anyone wants to help on adding a port, we're psyched to help them!
@David we pick uped the xlinkx pynq-z2
@josejorge scroll up a bit'
thx @deshipu, I'll check
@josejorge I don't know of any "devices" with it. It's not our focus to support them either. MicroPython is more focused "productionization"
I'm teaching elementary school kids programming (as a volunteer)... do you know of any site with cool projects in CircuitPython for kids in 3-4 grade level? any recommendation of what would be the best hardware for that school level?
Do you see any benefit with merging with micropython in the future?
I think the hackaday resident FPGA expert Antii Lukats has a micropython port for xilinx softcores
@delatorrecohen also interested in that
@happyday.mjohnson There are plenty of people already using VS Code successfully with CircuitPython. We aren't working on any changes to it.
@happyday.mjohnson micropython has very different goals
@delatorrecohen yep! check out these - https://learn.adafruit.com/guides/latest
@delatorrecohen the circuitplayground express projects are great for young kids. no soldering. really easy to hack and mod
@deshipu what are the different goals between CP and mp?
@delatorrecohen https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-made-easy-on-circuit-playground-express
circuitplayground (makecode) and the circuitpython projects
we have tons of kids building circuitpython on CPX projecst all the time
I was wondering if there is a way to run a circuitpython board at less 0 degrees C?
Greet! Thanks! :-)
and also add crickit for robotics projects
@happyday.mjohnson we won't rule it out for the future but for now it's better for both projects to be separate
@delatorrecohen & @limor have started using CP w/ young students, they love it.
@delatorrecohen and combine CRICKIT for robotics, works wit both makecode and circuitpython
thanks dan!
@happyday.mjohnson CP tagets beginners to electronics, hobbyists and learning, MP focuses more on industrial prototyping
ICE40 support sounds really cool - how would you port the project to an FPGA, though? Would it need a soft core loaded on it, or are there ICE40s with built-in microcontroller helpers now?
@Charles Burnaford prolly OK to try :)
ICE40 has a USB stack being ported
@WRR I'd assume soft core. (Probably RISC-V)
I will give it a try next winte
there "is" CircuitPython in space... so seems possible :) https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/03/17/circuitpython-in-space-pythonaut-circuitpython-adafruit-maholli404-zacinaction-smallsat-kicksat/
ICE40 is nice for opensource, but I think a bigger FPGA with DSP's make more sense
the fpgas with ARM tend to be pricier
@deshipu oh. thank you. hmmm...i can see why there is a confusion with folks asking about shipping products using CP. If the goals are indeed that, shouldn't the message be learn on CP then migrate to mp?
@David there is a lot of work to support ECP5 and Xilinx 7 series with open tools
@deshipu although it does start explaining stuff like pin.irq()...
@Dan Halbert ,wow ble support is already good. another question, will the bleio implemented on the blinka? I know there are other way to read ble with the Pi but it will be nice if its already in one package with the CP blinka
ECP5 and artix make more sense for sure
ya, that's what I'm excited for
native usb is key for us
@happyday.mjohnson I think it's more "start with CircuitPython, migrate to big Python and other programming languages"
@Hendra Kusumah We'll need to write a wrapper library that implements `bleio` using the available BLE libraries on RPi, so perfectly possible, just not done yet!
@happyday.mjohnson we did not have anything to do with TI choosing CircuitPython for their calcs, they just did it
Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1
04/03/2019 at 20:04 • 0 commentsHi all - we'll get started in just a minute. Quite a turnout so far..
/me does a jig
Hi Everyone!
Hello world!
Hi everyonee
Hello everyone. Just lurking. I'm working on a router at the moment.
Hello everyone :-)
Alright, let's kick it off. Welcome to the Python and IoT Hack Chat. Today we have the Adafruit CircuitPython team online to discuss all your Python questions with microcontrollers and IoT stuff. Not sure who on the Adafruit side is going to take lead - I've seen Limor and Kattni so far. Anyone else want to say hi? Oops - there's PT too. Anyone else.
yahhh! we're ready1
Hi! I'm Scott and also work on the CircuitPython core.
we got with us @tannewt and @Dan Halbert
Hello, everyone! I'm Kattni and I work with the CircuitPython libraries!
also @Bryan Siepert perhaps
here we go!
I'm Dan and I also work on CircuitPython core
So Scott, Dan, Limor, PT, Kattni, and Bryan
Bryan won't be joining us
Welcome all and thanks for being here.
Hi everyone...
Rebecca Skinner, interested in IoT, environmental data, sensors, etc.
Hi Rebecca, welcome
ok everybody
so - on the topic of IoT and Environmental sensors
we haz like 150 libraries for all sorts of sensors you can use with CircuitPython
yah @kattni is the official Library Keeper
so we have your sensors covered - whew!
next up we recently added IoT support to circuitpython - using an ESP32 as a a wifi coprocessor
you are about to ask
CircuitPython libraries list! https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/bundle/en/latest/drivers.html
There seems to be the micropython forum, now branching off to other platforms (stm32, esp32, circuit python, microbit) So what is the overall strategy on the circuit / adafruit python both software and hardware ?
great quesiont!
answer is - we wanted native usb for the awesome circuitpython experience (1)
and (2) we find that we do best when we offload all the SSL TLS ceriticate stuff and have it run async
ESP32 is so cheap and easy to use, its great as a coproc - lovin' it
I'll tip my hat to that!
for the hardware API we're trying very very very hard to stick to *one* api for all hardware so we only have to maintain one version of our drivers
hello all, a micropython enthusiast here from Indonesia. Thanks for the answer regarding circuitpython for esp32 @limor . I can sleep in peace now
like HAL ?
@Andrej Mosat like the "machine" module on the MicroPython
e.g. the Si7021 lirbary will run on a Rapi, Google Coral, Nvidia Jetson, Circuit Playground, nRF52840...
@Andrej Mosat for circuitpython, beginner friendly, drivers for tons of hardware, works with the most devices/hardware
@Andre like digitalio, busio, pulseio, board, ...
its basically a HAL - we've just been writing drivers for like 15 yrs so we have a good idea of how to support all these devices across a wide variety of hardware without getting into unending ifdef's
The Jetson, you say? Exciting - Nvidia will be along for a Hack Chat in a few weeks to talk about the Jetson and AI at the Edge
yep thats right! Jetson has support thanks to Nvidia's engineers
BLINKA, which is circuitpython for linux works on jetson now, so you get hardware support for lots of things
@Dan Maloney That's so comforting to hear!
so OLEDs, einks, sensors, etc...all work across the devices the same
but keeping it simple
so everyone's in on this. and by everyone... I mean the guys at NVIDIA too?
and takign advantage of python's weak typing for great success :)
The Blinka library means that you can run CircuitPython libraries and example code with Python with no changes. So there's only one driver and one code base to maintain.
https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Blinka/pull/98 <- Nvidia jetson
so with all this basis we wanted to make it super easy to make IoT devices
@limor Noice
so the pyportal is designed for "get online, get a json or xml feed, parse it, display it"
its really really easy, you just point it at the URL and give it the JSON traversal path and b00m - data
Any chance we'll see mathematical things in circuitpython (e.g. like numpy)?
This next! https://api.chucknorris.io/
python makes iot really easy compared to C
oh but strings are so easy in C! /s
@klaasdc numpy is really large, and even on the big boards, we only have 256kB of RAM. So all of numpy or even pieces will not fit.
has irq support been added to gpio pins yet in CP?
python strings and parsing is sooooo nice. built in json and xml!
once you have numpy, you can do machine learning ;-)
very very very slow machine learning
Any plans on supporting python packages with native code loadable at runtime (hard, I know, but would be really useful)
if you want to use numpy you should use a coral/pi/jetson :) -even if it fit on a microcontroller, it would be so sad and slow
not for CP, but python in general - the challenge i have w/ python is lack of mobile gui programming. i end up using flutter for this, python for rasp pi, cp for mcu...
python doesn't really like interrupt support. there's threads but people shoot themselves with it.
re: irq support. it works in micropython?
@happyday not interrupts specifically - we want to support asynchronous programming, but we are lookign for a simple model that will not be timing dependent. Right now we allow people to poll, and we have native classes that use interrupts, but haven't exposed interrupts specifically
LadyAda: Your educational offerings are excellent. Is there one page that has reasons for middle school students to learn Python? I'm seeing some good ones in this discussion. thanks!
You mentioned earlier that SSL/TLS was easier to offload and run asynchronously; does CircuitPython support general-purpose concurrency?
what is wrong with pin,irq() ala micropython?
See discussion https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues/1380
you can't alloc memory in an irq in micropython, so you quickly bump into that because python loves to allocate memory all the time
how do you see Ai at the edge and Circuitpython working with the Adafruit IoT ecosystem?
@todbot MicroPython just added support for native loading through mpy
micropython interrupt handlers are very restricted in what you can do
OH. I want to thank everyone on the CP team and at Adafruit. You are very supportive, happy, and kind.
@tannewt awesome! very excited by this
concurrency/threads/irqs are not in circuitpython - see above - but thats why having an ESP32 is great, hardware concurrency is easier to manage than software :) send a request to get data, the ESP32 buffers the socket for ya
re: micropython irq restricted. But good enough for 90%ish stuff? I mean for lipo stuff. Go to sleep. Wake up when (motion, some other sensor reading) detected.
@delatorrecohen probably with adafruit.io which is our data service that works with any device, so when data logging, etc. are needed we'd use that, probably with BLINKA (circuitpython on linux)
Thoughts about generic MQTT libraries?
Interesting, thanks for the GitHub issue and info
@Dan Smith Check out the https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython to learn more about CircuitPython. This is where everyone starts. It may have what you're looking for!
@happyday take a look at the github issue I posted above for further details on our thinking
Simpler mechanisms for asynchronous processing (thoughts) · Issue #1380 · adafruit/circuitpython
These are some strawman thoughts about how to provide handling of asynchronous events in a simple way in CircuitPython. This was also discussed at some length in our weekly audio chat on Nov 12, 2018, starting at 1:05:36: https://youtu.b...
@happy, there's no sleep modes supported - check out the TPL5xxx boards to have time-based sleep.
@happyday.mjohnson it's simply not CircuitPython's goal to give you access to everything, and interrupts are hard to wrap your head around
@limor - you mean no sleep modes supported in CP? Obviously the m0, etc. have deep sleep... that can be interrupted.
i think a 'kick yourself out of sleep' mode irq makes more sense than a 'call a function irq' - its not a high priority but we have some issues abotu sleep mode.
@happyday.mjohnson we still don't support sleep modes
@deshipu doesn't that make it difficult to use with battery operated sensors?
i think sleep mode is our oldest github issue - check it out and subscribe to it. we have to safely shut down USB and stuff.
@chris, we expose a 'socket' interface to the ESP32 so any socket-mqtt library should work
@limor yah - but USB is out of the way when the sensor is not attached to PC/Mac. So the issue is not that (although it makes stuff a bit more clumsy).
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