We are happy to participate in World Create Day! In fact, we are kind of doing a two day-er!
Friday a bunch of staff are going to build a LipSync – an open source mouth operated input device, that enables people with limited hand use to use their touchscreen devices. www.hackaday.io/project/13424-lipsync This is a bit of a team building event as it will be done with some staff that aren’t typical makers.
Saturday we are presenting and participating in the SCI Hacks part of the BC Spinal Cord Injury Forum. We’ll be showing off – and giving out – a couple of the LipSyncs, as well as running a workshop on 3D Design and Printing. Hope to make some simple custom things.
This is part of a new initiative, Makers Making Change. Makers Making Change connects makers to people with disabilities who need assistive technologies. We are a program from a Canadian nonprofit, the Neil Squire Society, and we’re hoping to develop an engagement model that connects more makers/hackers to people with disabilities. www.makersmakingchange.com