Freescale enables secure, embedded processing solutions for the Internet of Tomorrow.
ARM M0+/M4 Micros and expansion boards built to Arduino™ shield specs.
Code development in the cloud. Treasure trove of example code to hack.
ARM Cortex-A9 processors with 1,2, or 4 cores.
Find a processor fit for any project.
Accelerometers, gyros and magnetometers with sensor fusion software to bring it all together.
Transceivers, wireless charging, power conditioning and more!
Curated by Freescale Semiconductor
ARM Cortex-A9 processors with 1, 2, or 4 cores.
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Freescale is amazing , i got sponsored from freescale at my graduation project boards a company like you keeps humanity moving forward.
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Freescale is amazing , i got sponsored from freescale at my graduation project boards a company like you keeps humanity moving forward.